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  Making the Move to Mud
  The house is still in the process of being completed as it’s an eco project set up by the farmer that I work for. When I arrived, it was just a 1)straw 2)bale structure – it looked like neat piles of straw with holes for the windows and door, a wooden floor and beautiful wood roof, and it was protected from the rain by 3)tarpaulin. Over the past two years we’ve been adding to it all the time. We’ve put in windows and doors, and used 4)chicken wire to rat-proof it, as rats are a massive problem when you live in a field.
  The best part of making the house is the 5)rendering;
  it really is the coolest thing. You make the mix from two parts of 6)sieved 7)top soil to one part fresh horse 8)manure. We have two horses on the farm, so it wasn’t too hard to get the horse manure. You mix all this together with a little water to a clay-like 9)consistency and then spread it on the walls with your hands. So many people of all ages came to help me; it was great fun. You soon get past the fact that it is manure. My walls aren’t straight up and down, they have lots of 10)lumps and 11)bumps on them, but it adds to the charm. It’s really beautiful. I call it my little 12)hobbit home!
  So far we’ve 13)coated the whole of the inside and outside of the house, but it needs two more
  layers before it’s finished. There are so many different shapes and designs that you can try; once my exams are over, I’ll be 14)poring through all the books trying to decide what style to go for.
  I lived in the city for the first half of my degree, but I’ve found it surprisingly easy to 15)adapt to this way of life. I grew up on a farm in Tenby, I’ve lived in a nice house and I’ve lived in a 16)caravan, so moving to live in a straw bale structure in a field wasn’t that difficult for me to 17)adjust to. I found that it was nice to have a space that I can call my own. Very few students have such a luxury.
  Why I Love This Life
  Even though I’ve been living here for two years, I still come home, walk in and think “wow” every day! It’s so different, and I’ve made it so homely, comfortable and warm. I don’t have any electricity, but with all my candles 18)flickering at night, it feels like another world – a 19)Moroccan 20)den. I also love living so close to the woods and the beach, just being 21)immersed in nature and living among lovely people and the 22)organic farm. I live off the land and it’s so good for me. Living my way I feel really healthy and grounded.
  The Downsides
  Right now I have essay deadlines and I can’t write them at home, because I haven’t got any electricity. It doesn’t
  really bother me the rest of the time, though. I do miss
  listening to my music, but I have a 23)wind-up radio and I’ve been saving up to get some 24)renewable energy. I’m looking
  into the possibilities but I need a little help choosing. I’m not an expert at this. I’m learning as I go along, but it proves how possible it is for anyone to try eco living if they want to.
  The first year I did feel the cold because I wasn’t used to being so exposed to 25)the elements. It is cold when I first get home, but by the time I’ve actually made the fire, it soon becomes 26)cosy. I find that I’m a lot less 27)productive outside in winter; I like to get home before it gets really dark to make the fire, but then everyone 28)hibernates a little in winter, don’t they? At first I found it hard to get used to chopping wood every night. It was a new skill for me to learn, but necessity made me get to 29)grips with it quite quickly. It’s fine in the morning. I just get up and do a couple of sit-ups, and I’m warm enough to get dressed and go off to work or lectures.
  At One with the Land
  The shower, warmed by the wood stove in winter and the sun in summer, is basically a pipe running from the water tank to the woods by the house, so I wear 30)wellies and shower 31)alfresco – it’s quite 32)surreal! There is also a 33)compost toilet which I share with another field 34)dweller.
  In return for my 35)accommodation, I work part time on the organic farm, which I love. The work totally depends on the season. Lately we’ve been 36)cultivating the fields ready for planting seeds. A big team of us has been digging 37)trenches for eight or nine hours. It can be a hard work. Another day I might have a 38)cuppa and chat with the farmer, plant a few hundred thousand seeds, go for a swim on the beach, and then do a few hours of 39)manual 40)hoeing to get rid of all the weeds.
  Before I moved here I’d never even planted a vegetable, but I’ve learnt so much. I’m seriously quite 41)obsessed about organic farming now. The whole experience has been so beneficial to my future because I’m studying development. I feel that one solution to many of the world’s problems is learning to live more 42)sustainably. Between my degree and my home and work, I feel I can travel the world to help people to do this now. It isn’t as hard as people think it is, and it’s a lot of fun.


After three days in London, I wanted to see some of the romantic   English countryside I’d read about in   novels. So I paged through my travel guide, went to an Internet café, and booked a 1)hostel a
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虽然《尼姆的小岛》没有暑期好莱坞大片的霸气,但故事别具一格,而且主角都是大有来头的明星:奥斯卡影后朱迪·福斯特、“阳光小美女”阿比盖尔·布兰斯林  以及“斯巴达300勇士”杰拉德·巴特勒(巴特勒更是一人分饰两角,扮演了尼姆的爸爸和虚构的亚历克斯)。相信这将是一部老少咸宜的喜剧片。  我们还特别访问了原著作者温迪·奥尔,和大家一起分享有趣的拍摄过程。    Nim’s Island tells th
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