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  After three days in London, I wanted to see some of the romantic
  English countryside I’d read about in
  novels. So I paged through my travel guide, went to an Internet café, and booked a 1)hostel and train tickets for Bath.
  The next morning, the train left Paddington Station and traveled west across the beautiful 2)fields of England.
  Bath felt like 3)scented oil after the 4)abrasion of the capital, as I was met an hour-and-a-half later with a 5)chorus of bird songs and green all around. Beneath the modern shops and the 6)hum of tourists, Bath is still a place of 7)serenity and charm.
  Romans created baths here in about 43 AD out of natural hot mineral springs. The baths then 8)decayed for centuries until they were rediscovered during Queen Victoria’s 9)reign. For many more centuries, Bath became a holiday destination for royalty and nobles.
  During the 18th century, Bath was the most fashionable spa in Britain, in part through the efforts
  of 10)architect John Wood the Elder and his son, John Wood the Younger, who designed the city
  using stones from the nearby hills. They developed
  the beautiful 11)terraces and Palladian注1
  12)villas, creating one of the most architecturally 13)harmonious cities in England.
  Upon checking into my hostel, I headed downtown, where I walked slowly through lanes filled with cafés and shops. I found a classic British restaurant, where I sat
  outside to watch people chatting and
  window shopping in the evening glow.
  As dusk settled in, I wandered north of the city center to the River Avon. Turning aside to follow a canal, I passed men in their boats drinking inside smoky 14)hulls, doing repairs or 15)barbecuing on the banks with their families. The day melted into darkness. I left the canal and walked back to my hostel.
  The fortune of this city has always been linked to its hot springs and tourism. In the past, it has attracted such well-known
  persons as Jane Austen (who included Bath in her novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey), Charles Dickens and William Thackeray注2.
  As I left Bath Spa Train Station a few days later, I carried with me a 16)treasury of memories: afternoons 17)punting on the Avon with new friends; wandering the streets; watching street performers; and joining the tourists in their 18)merrymaking.
  I felt I had discovered a special place -
  one that had been found before by so many, and would continue to be enjoyed by so many more.

圣经故事、《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》、《夺宝奇兵》……约旦总让人浮想联翩。这里本应是旅行者的天堂,但中东动荡的局势让人望而却步。不要被表象骗了——约旦大部分地区还是很平静的。  约旦人非常热情好客。据说,你把行李随便放在街上,几小时后回来会发现它们还是原封不动;当地人甚至会邀请素不相识的游客到家里作客——这样的事情你还能在其它地方遇到吗?    No matter what you know of Pet
炎炎夏日,一见到太阳就头疼——夏天为什么就这么热呢?如果每当遇到高温的日子地球能自动调节,稍微降低气温就好啦!现在,科学家们发现火山爆发竟然能降低全球气温哦——凉爽的夏天,这是多么美好的愿望啊……可是其中的利弊如何?跟着小编一起研研究究吧。    The biggest volcanic 1)eruption ever recorded in human history took place ne
地球历1999年,一艘外星飞船坠落地球,人类从此踏上漫长的太空探索之旅……  首播25年后,与高达并驾齐驱、同为Mecha(机械类动画)两大主流之一的Macross新一代舰队终于启程。这个春天,载着歌声、爱情与热血,无惧纷飞的战火,我们向银河中心进发吧!    In 2059, Macross Frontier, the new   colonial[殖民的] fleet[舰队], set out
朋友相处贵在真心,理解别人的“心”,才能更好地沟通。  如果你lose your heart to someone(在某人那儿丢失了自己的心),那你肯定是喜欢上某人了。  因为courage一词来源于拉丁文的“cor”(heart之意),所以如果你不敢表达你的爱意,那便是lack heart(缺乏勇气)了。  但如果win your heart (赢得芳心)的人并不爱你,那你可能会有一颗broke
像萨姆这样的男生,一看就是我们常说的那种“阿呆”、“废柴”或者“没用男”——做着一份收入不高但压力也不大的平凡工作,没什么远大志向,平时的消遣不是泡酒吧就是打游戏,20年如一日地过着碌碌无为的人生。但这一切都在萨姆21岁生日那天彻底改变了:原来他还没出生灵魂就注定是魔鬼的所有物?!  还记得CE: Teens去年12月号“娱乐直播室”栏目里的《阿呆反击战》系列文章吗?《狙魂交易》里讲述的就是这样一
尖叫声是电影声效当中不可或缺的一部分——但你想过这种声音是怎么来的吗?不说不知道,尖叫声也有自己的故事哦!    The scream is pure Hollywood – fear, terror, sudden   death. You know, that soldier getting crashed in the old horror movie then sounds an awfu
A 1)parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule.   The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the mule “2)braying” or whatever mules do when they fall into wells.   After carefully 3
相信很多人小时候都会梦想每天穿漂亮衣服,甚至希望成为万众瞩目的模特吧。可是慢慢地,我们便会“知难而退”,身高、样貌等因素都成了跨不过的槛……今天小编就给大家带来福音—平常却不平凡的你说不定有一天也能实现模特梦哦!等不及了吗?那就来听听吧^_^    The new faces of the modeling world, and you’ll   definitely look twice. Mo
As all girls of a certain age know there’s only one real cocktail champion and that’s Tom   Cruise注1, thanks to the magic of 1990s Hollywood. But back in the real world, well there’s this: a huge cock