今读山曼先生的“齐鲁乡语谭”《撅嘴骡子不值个驴钱》一文(载2001年 10月30日《齐鲁晚报》),颇多收获和启发。但该文还存有一些缺憾,比如没 有把为什么“不值个驴钱”说清楚。再者,以撅嘴骡子喻比“有点本事,自视其 高”的人,也不确切。 凡饲养过牲畜牛马驴骡者都知道,骡子是不能进行自身繁衍的。就是 说,母性骡子是不能生产小骡子的。我们常说的骡子,是马与驴相交配而生 产的,而它又分为“驴骡”和“马骡”两种。雄性马与雌性驴相交配,所产的骡子称为“驴骡”;雄性驴与雌性马相交配而产的骡子则称为“马骡”。
Today’s reading Mr. Hillman’s “Qilu rural language Tan” “muzzle worthless donkey money” article (October 30, 2001 “Qilu Evening News”), a lot of harvest and inspiration. However, there are still some shortcomings in the article, for example, why it is not stated why it is worthless donkey money. Furthermore, it is also not clear that a mule muzzle is better than a man who is “somewhat capable and self-evident.” All cattle and donkeys who have kept livestock know that mules can not reproduce themselves. In other words, mother mules can not produce small mules. We often say that the mules, horses and donkeys cross and produce, and it is divided into “donkey mule” and “mule” two. Males mate with female donkeys, and the mules they produce are called “donkey mules.” The mules that male donkeys mate with female horses are called “mules.”