在方言相通、风俗相似的台湾、闽南,相当多的人向来宾介绍自己的配 偶时,习惯称之为“牵手”,甚至未婚情人也不例外。在闽南拍摄的故事片 《寡妇村》中的对白也多次出现“牵手”。 海峡这边的“牵手”这一独特称谓乃是从台湾传进的。据说,不少回大 陆探亲的台胞听到许许多多的大陆老夫老妻互称对方为“爱人”,有的感到 好笑、有的大惑不解,心里自问;“难道这些老人还在谈情说爱吗?”在台湾, 只有恋爱的男女才互称“爱人”,而介绍、称呼自己的丈夫或妻子时,一般喜 用爱称“牵手”。如称别人的妻子时就说“你牵手的”。的确,同甘共苦的恩爱 夫妻是不但心连着心,而且是手牵着手的。 说起“牵手”称谓,源于台湾高山族平埔人的平埔语。平埔人原是“母
In the same dialect, similar customs in Taiwan and South Fujian, quite a few people introduced their spouse to the guests, the habit is called “hand” and even the unmarried lover is no exception. Dialogue in feature film “Widow Village” in southern Fujian also appeared “hand in hand” several times. The unique name “hand in hand” on the Taiwan Strait is imported from Taiwan. It is said that many compatriots in Taiwan who visit their relatives in mainland China have heard so many old couples in the Mainland call each other “lovers,” some feel funny, and some puzzled and asked themselves; “Are these elderly people still talking Love? ”In Taiwan, only men and women who love each other each other called“ lover ”, and introduce, call their husband or wife, generally like to use the nickname“ hand. ” If you call someone’s wife, say “you are holding hands.” Indeed, loving couples who share common interests and not only are heart-to-heart, but also holding hands. Speaking of “hand in hand” title, from Taiwan Pupin Pingpu people language. Pingpu people originally "mother