经过试验探索出一套早露蟠桃的保护地栽培技术。前促后控扩冠促花 ,适时扣棚 ,合理调控温湿度 ,加强花果管理及棚外新梢培养与促花 ,是连年丰产的关键。 3年折合 666.7m2 产量分别为 877.2kg、1 63 2 .0kg和 2 4 0 5.4kg。可溶性固形物含量 1 0 .76%~ 1 1 .52 %,比露地栽培果实略低。成熟期提前 56~ 65天 ,着色鲜艳
After testing to explore a set of early peach flat protected cultivation techniques. Pre-and post-control expansion crown to promote flowers, timely deduction shed, a reasonable temperature and humidity control, strengthen flower management and greenhouse shoots and promote flower, is the key to successive years of high yield. Three years equivalent to 666.7m2 yield were 877.2kg, 1 63 2 .0kg and 2 4 0 5.4kg. Soluble solids content of 10.76% ~ 11.52%, slightly lower than the open-field cultivation of fruits. Mature 56 to 65 days in advance, brightly colored