2012年,年过七旬的老牌影帝Dustin Hoffman作为一个“菜鸟”级的导演携其首次执导的影片《四重唱》亮相于众。这部姗姗来迟的导演处女作和Dustin后期参演的影片一样,拥有着小众化的“小清新”风格。如今,老年题材的影片已不再沉重,夕阳下、轮椅上、那遥望窗外的孤独背影,虽已不是主流,但依旧有感染力,那种在生命即将走到尽头却依旧具备自身的价值更是值得关注。影片那并未过分狗血和满是同情心的轻喜剧手段,不仅使人深受感动,同时还有了更多的思考——当时光飞逝,直至年老体衰之时,我们是否还能让自己
In 2012, seventy-year-old veteran Dustin Hoffman appeared as a “Novice” director with his first film “Quartet”. This late-coming directorial debut, along with Dustin’s late-stage films, features a lesser-known “little freshness” style. Today, the movie of the old age is no longer heavy. In the sunset, the wheelchair, the lonely figure behind the window, is not the mainstream, but it is still contagious. The life-long ending still has its own value. Is worth attention. The film, which is not overly doggy and full of sympathetic light comedies, has not only moved people deeply, but also has given more thought to it - as time flies until weatherization, can we still allow oneself