深入贯彻落实科学发展观 切实保障受灾群众和困难群众基本生活——全国救灾救助工作会议在京召开

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2008年9月26~27日,全国救灾救助工作会议在北京召开,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理回良玉出席会议并讲话。他强调,救灾救助工作是重要的民生工程、民心工程,是实现科学发展和构建和谐社会的基础性工作,做好救灾救助工作是各级政府义不容辞的重要职责。各地区、各有关部门要站在国家发展全局的高度,进一步提高认识、加强领导、加大投入,不断建立健全灾害应急体系和社会救助体系,全面提高救灾救助工作水平,切实保障受灾群众和困难群众基本生活。民政部部长李学举在会上发表重要讲话,就贯彻回良玉副总理讲话精神、近几年救灾救助工作的新进展、推进救灾救助工作的新要求和当前以及今后一个时期救灾救助工作的主要任务作出重要部署。四川、湖北、上海、陕西、重庆、吉林6省(市)民政厅(局)的负责同志从不同侧面分别介绍了本省(市)救灾救助工作的经验。民政部副部长罗平飞、姜力、窦玉沛,部党组成员、全国老龄办常务副主任陈传书出席了会议。最高人民法院、国务院办公厅、发展改革委、教育部、司法部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部、住房和城乡建设部、水利部、卫生部、税务总局、国务院法制办、国家地震局、国家气象局、国务院扶贫办有关领导,各省(市、自治区)、新疆兵团、计划单列市民政厅(局)主要领导和救灾、救助处长参加了会议。会议还对当前防汛抗洪和防台风工作作了进一步安排。 From September 26 to September 27, 2008, a national disaster relief work conference was held in Beijing. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier Hui Liangyu attended the meeting and made speeches. He emphasized that disaster relief work is an important livelihood project and popular project, which is a basic work for realizing scientific development and building a harmonious society. Doing relief work is an indispensable and important duty for all levels of government. All localities and relevant departments should stand at the height of the overall national development, further raise their awareness, strengthen their leadership and increase their input, and constantly establish and improve a disaster emergency response system and a social assistance system so as to comprehensively raise the level of disaster relief and rescue work and earnestly protect the affected people and their difficulties The basic life of the masses. Minister of Civil Affairs Li Xueju delivered an important speech at the meeting. He carried out the spirit of the speech given by Deputy Prime Minister Hui Liangyu, the new progress in relief and relief work in recent years, the new requirements for disaster relief and relief and the major tasks of disaster relief and relief work for the present and for a period in the future Make important arrangements. The responsible comrades of the Civil Affairs Department (Bureau) of 6 provinces (cities) in Sichuan, Hubei, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Chongqing and Jilin separately introduced the experience of disaster relief work in their own province (city) from different aspects. Vice Minister of Ministry of Civil Affairs Luo Pingfei, Jiang Li, Dou Yupei, a member of the Ministry of Party Committee and Chen Chuanshu, deputy director of the National Bureau of Aging attended the meeting. The Supreme People’s Court, the General Office of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Health, the State Administration of Taxation, , The National Meteorological Bureau, the relevant leaders of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, the leaders of the provincial (municipalities and autonomous regions), Xinjiang Corps, and the Civil Affairs Department (Bureau) of the cities under separate state planning, and the director of the disaster relief and relief department attended the meeting. The meeting also made further arrangements for the current flood control and flood fighting and typhoon prevention work.
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