The Record of a Spiritual Struggle

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  【Abstract】“I envy not in any moods” is the twenty-seventh stanza of the In Memoriam A.H.H, written by Alfred Tennyson (l809-1892). Thackeray once asked, “if we love still those we lose, can we altogether lose those we love?” Poet Laureate Tennyson gave his answer in this poem. “Tis better to have loved and lost /Than never to have loved at all.” True love is last, true life is born of death. It is the experience of love and being loved that matters in life.
  【Key words】In Memoriam A.H.H; Spirit Struggle; Love; Death
  【作者簡介】刘会娴(1997- ),女,汉族,河南安阳人,河南师范大学,本科,研究方向:英语语言学。
  Since its first publication in 1850, In Memoriam A.H.H has been the treasure-house of felicitous expressions and deepest thoughts. Poem 27 is one of the most frequently quoted poems. A study of Tennyson’s “I envy not in any moods” must be as truly a study of the age and backgrounding. This stanza was written in Victorian era which witnessed resistance to the rationalism that defined the Georgian period and an increasing turn towards romanticism and mysticism with regard to religion, social values, and arts. As for the poet Tennyson, this poem is a requiem for the poet’s beloved friend Arthur Henry Hallam, who died suddenly in 1833. The very memory of such an affection as he had cherished for Hallam is an inspiration to record the way of the soul. This section brings us to the first Christmas which occurred after the death of Hallam. Thus far the poet has avowed his purpose to cherish with unabating tenderness the memory of the lost has given utterance to the thought.
  This poem is composed of four exquisite stanzas. In the first stanza, the speaker expressed his opinion toward caged linnet. It deserves no love for it lacks the noble rage and is full of void all the time. Since the linnet never attempts to fly, it never has the ability to appreciate the splendid view of summer woods. In the following stanza, although wild beast tends to be able to hold all things in its hands, it never sets principles to behave itself and never fells guilty for the sorrow that it has caused for others. What is more, even though it can maintain a quiet mind state and be called happiness by the beholders, the heart that has not fallen into love and makes no vow is not complete. In the last stanzas, the poet presents his meditation toward love and loss. If people have experienced love, they attain the greatest happiness from the process of love even with the pain the loss of death. Though death does separate our beloved people or things from ourselves, forever love exists. Then love can pass with the pure soul, beyond death and become immortal.   The Book of Changes records that poets express their feelings and thoughts by way of images. Tennyson is such a great master in utilizing these effective details so as to figure vivid images. In this poem, a series of images in the four stanzas form a sharp contrast. The caged linnet and the beast are totally different. The former tends to be gentler and prefers to keep quiet in the cage instead of flying to the forest. In daily life, there are people who are afraid of love and being loved thinking that by this way they can escape the pain of loss. However, the beast comes to another pole of love which attempts to love and control everything. The caged linnet and the beast are natural images and the lazy heart are social images. Tennyson develops his meditation from the scene in the(去掉) nature to the social problems.
  The objective of the poem is to record the spiritual struggle of Tennyson. It is written in the first Christmas after Hallam?s death. We can find how a human soul, stricken with the burden of a crowning sorrow, may pass in the process of restoration and recovery. It stands inseparably related to what is deepest and most vital in the thought of its time.
  Just as T.S. Eliot said, “In In Memoriam, that Tennyson finds full expression. Its technical merit alone is enough to ensure its perpetuity.” His deep meditation thoughts were suggested and ripened which were to be a power on his fellows. To him, it was merely given to catch from the heights of poetic vision the first gleams of the dawn. His poem, the record of his spiritual struggle found and led his age. That is the power of poem and literature.
  [1]Anna Barton.(2012).Alfred Lord Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam’ Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press.
【摘要】英语高考经过几十年的研究,它的命题方式经历了一个逐渐演变的过程。近年来,随着新高考方案的实施,除了京津沪江浙自主命题外,新高考省份的语,数,外仍然由教育部考试中心命题。2021年新高考省份有:江苏,湖北,福建,辽宁,广东,重庆,河北,湖南。本文将着重探讨新高考I卷英语试题改革特点。  【关键词】新高考;试题改革;命题方式  【作者简介】詹舒婷(1986.06-),女,汉族,福建平和人,福建
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【摘要】2019年起,江苏省英语学科实施新高考方案,采用全国卷形式,增设“概要写作”内容。本文结合《普通高等学校招生全國统一考试英语科考试说明》对概要写作的要求及评分标准,探索如何进行议论文概要写作教学。实践证明,运用体裁教学法,参照“提取关键词——串连成句——整合成篇”模式能够有效帮助学生写出符合高考要求的议论文概要。  【关键词】高中英语;概要写作;议论文;体裁教学法  【作者简介】殷嘉琦,扬
一、背景  中国经济虽日趋强盛,但经济实力与文化软实力并不匹配,因而对国家的外宣能力提出了更高要求。而外宣能力中的重要组成部分便是翻译能力,这就要求我们在培养学生翻译能力时,不仅要关注学生翻译技能的提高,还要注重对学生的思政教育。  笔者认为,要想完成翻译技能和思政教育的双任务,先要明确何为课程思政。教育部关于印发《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》的通知中提到,“课程思政建设内容要紧紧围绕坚定学生理
老刘惹媳妇生气了,他向哥们儿请教:“今天回家我该怎么办?”哥们儿:“哥教你一招。  你也装生气,摔个碗,如果镇住了就镇住了,如果没镇住,就赶紧跪在碗渣子上吧……”  巴梨
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【摘要】在目前的小学英语教学中,实行体验式教学的意义重大。依据体验式教学的教学空间开放、师生互动强、实践性强等独特优势,本文提出了创设特色情景、建立教学氛围、“趣味化”游戏、体验式听力教学等新的教学应用思路,以更有效地发挥体验式教学对提升学生英语学习兴趣与学习效率的效果。  【关键词】小学英语;体验式教学;教学应用  【Abstract】In the current situation of pr