Symbolism in Adventure

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  摘 要:Sherwood Anderson is one of the most prominent writers in American literary history. Symbolism is one of the most frequently employed techniques in short stories.This paper attempts to analyse the abundant symbolic meanings in his short story Adventure. In the story,Anderson used symbols to intensify loneliness,unarticulation and the tragic life of Alice. Symbolism makes a literary work profound.The analysis of symbols in Adventure helps us have a better understanding about this story.
  关键词:Adventure; symbolism; loneliness
  中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A
  Sherwood Anderson,one of the most prominent writers in American literary history,was called a “writer’s writer”.Winesburg,Ohio,which establishes Anderson as an important writer,consists of twenty-three thematically related stories and decipts small town,Midwesttern American life from late 1800s to 1900s,the period from a rutal to an industrial society.The work explores the theme of loneliness and frustration of the grotesques.Winesburg,Ohio now is regarded as one of the finest American novels of the 20th century.
  Adventure is a short story in Winesburg,Ohio.It is about the story of Alice Hindman. Most studies on Adventure mainly focus on the reasons resulted in Alice’s grostesque or the psychological analysis of Alice as well as the theme it expresses. For example,Liang Ling claims that Alice Hindman is an explicit example,who also resembles certain facets such as loneliness and inhabited sex of the Winseburgers'' lives. [1]The reasons why Alice lives a miserable and lonely life are the influence of patriarchy and her blind cling to the so-called moral principles of puritanism. [2]Conventional sexual morality does nothing to protect women but actually contributes to their destruction.Alice Hindman’s strength of character is undermined when her love used social conventions as a nationale for abandoning her and she succumbs to the pressure to regard her spontaneous expression of love as binding.
  This paper is trying to explore Adventure from the perspective of symbolism. When we appreciate literary works,not only the literal meanings deserve our consideration,but also the symbolic meanings between lines require our elaborate analysis. Symbolism has been frequently used by writers,such as Hawthorne and Melville,to express their inner world. According to Freud,a work of literature is the external expression of the author’ s unconscious mind.The significance of a symbol lies in its combination of concrete and abstract.Symbols are varied and colorful in themselves,and in the meanwhile,they can convey particular emotions and abstract ideas of the artist and widen and deepen the implication of a literary work.A well-placed symbol makes a good story better and a great story a work of art. Through studing the symbols in Adventure,we will have a better and deeper understanding of Alice.   The family name of Alice is Hindman,which is the combination of Hind and man. Hind has a similar pronunciation with Hide which means:to put or keep somebody in a place where they can not be seen or found.The man hided behind the real life and the mental world of Alice is Ned Currie.He fails to fulfill his promise and is never seen and never comes back after he left.The life and mind of Alice are greatly influenced and confined by Ned.Living in a male-certered society and under the spiritual control of patriarchy,she considers herself as the accessory and possession of Ned.As a traditional woman,she counts her happiness totally on a man,completely loses herself in a man’s world and has no consciousness of herself.
  Her own room in upstaire symbolizes spiritual world of herself. “She knet on the floor to pray and in her prayers whispered things she wanted to say to her lover.”Dening the real world and lives within her own imgination and memory,she shuts the reality out of the door.confined in her illusory dream,she believes blindly that Ned will come back some day.Only in such private and individual space can she express her feeling effectively and freely.
  The funiture in her room is the symbole of ideal lover. “she became attached to inaminate objects and becase it was her own,can not bear to have anyone touch the furniture of her room.”Alice holds on to Ned and his promised love as an absolute truth.Only the furniture can give her the sense of security and provide her with exemption from a dangerous and threatening situation.For her,Love represents possessiveness and exclusiveness.All human wish to love and to be loved.Once Alice finds what she believes to be loved,she can''t let it go. She empathizes her love on Ned to the affection and protection of furniture.
  The last scene of Alice’s final adventure is the climax of the whole story——she was running naked in the rain,which is rich in symbols.The deserted street is the miniature of Winsburge,which reflected the spiritual bareness,loneliness and mutual isolation between its habitants like Alice.Clothes is symbol of so-called moral principles of Puritanism and the traditional restrictions.Rain is a classical symbol of fertility and regeneration.In the deserted street and rain standing naked Alice who is longing to be purged by rain and have a new reborn. She is eager for breaking free from the restritions,being loved and understood by others and communication with others. However,ironically,the man,to whom she calls in was old and deaf,and didn’t understand her .Her cries and bid for freedom turned out to be a failure.Finally,she realized that “many people in Winsburg nust live and die alone.”
  By the use of symbolism,Adventure presents vividly to us a miserable life of Alice.The inarticulation of her desire and feeling leaves us a great impression.This is not only the tragedy of Alice,but also the tragedy of the females who follow those so-called moral principles of Puritanism.Symbolism enriches the theme and descriptions of characters.
摘 要:本文分析了外宣翻译中出现的语言离格,指出了造成语言离格的一些因素,并提出了一些减少或避免这种现象的策略。由于价值观念的差异、思维方式的差异、习惯用语的表达的不同等导致的语言离格现象会严重影响外宣翻译。我们必须高度地重视这些现象,针对这些现象提出一些相应的解决策略,尽量避免所分析的语言离格现象,增强跨文化的意识,提高语用能力,使中国更好地为世界所了解。  关键词:外宣翻译;语言离格;应对策略
摘 要:高职学生对英语短剧进行编写剧本、排练、表演,最后进行师生综合评价。该手段以高职学生为主体中心,使其英语学习的兴趣与热情得到极大地激发;通过团队合作,使不同层次学生的英语口语能力都得到提升;英语短剧表演使高职学生扩展视野,了解东西方文化差异,提高跨文化交际能力;很大程度的培养了学生继续主动学习的能力;更能加强团队合作意识与能力。同时,此手段赋予高职教师全方位的教学策略,提高了高职英语课程教学
摘 要:本文从阐述信息差的基本原理入手,探讨信息差原理在交际英语教学中的运用策略,使学生有机会在信息交流活动中自然地习得语言,从而提高用英语进行交际的能力。  关键词:信息差;英语教学;交际能力  中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-0118(2012)07-0312-02  一、引言  新制定的《英语课程标准》把 “激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的
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摘 要:文章介绍了英语中定语以及定语从句的理解和翻译。从词序和句法角度详细探讨了这一语法现象的功能和作用,以期能对英语学习者和英语爱好者提供一些参考意见。  关键词:定语;定语从句;前置;后置;语法现象  中图分类号:H04 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-0118(2012)07-0319-02  随着全球化的进一步发展,在中国,学习英语也就越来越普遍。然而,每一种语言都有各自的特点。英语
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摘 要:言语交际是一种认知活动。言语行为理论是要解释说话人如何通过“言”而达到“行”的目的。二者都是用来研究人类言语交际的。本文将在交际理论视角下,从语用的角度来探讨网聊英语中预制语块的运用。  关键词:交际理论;网聊英语;预制语块  中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-0118(2012)07-0314-02  一、引言  运用语言进行交际,是人类最基本、最重要的一种生存能
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