遥望西域,巍巍喀喇昆仑山是守护我国西部边陲的最后一道屏障。著名的内陆河塔里木河,上游叫叶尔羌河,它的源头是山上千万年的积雪。 在叶尔羌河旁边,你会真正理解什么叫生命之河。它在塔克拉玛干大沙漠西边切开一角,滋养出一条狭长的绿洲,也孕育出一个古老的多郎文明。与莎车、和田、伽师、喀什噶尔相邻的麦盖提县,是“多郎舞”、“多郎木卡姆”音乐和“多
Looking to the Western Regions, the towering Karakorum Mountain is the last screen to guard the western border of China. The famous inland river Tarim River, upstream Yarkand River, its source is thousands of years of snow on the mountain. Beside the Yarkand River, you will really understand what is the river of life. It cut a corner to the west of the Taklamakan Desert, nourishing a narrow oasis, but also gave birth to an ancient Dolan civilization. Maikedi County, adjacent to Shache, Wada, Jiashi, and Kashgar, is “Dororo Dance” and “Dolan Mukam” music and "more