公文校对,是保证公文不出差错的重要环节之一。若校对环节把关不严,那么,制作出来的公文将是劣质产品甚至废品,不仅达不到行文的目的,有时还会造成错误给工作带来严重的影响。公文校对质量低的原因主要有: 一是传统校对方法不科学,传统的校对方法即目前仍盛行的一读一看法,一般是一人读原稿,一人看打印稿,这种一个“演员”一个“听众”的几十年不变的做法,经常是“演员”唱得嘴干喉燥,“听众”目不暇接,但校对效果很不理想。 二是校对者的责任心不强。有的人校对时顺
Document proofreading, is to ensure that the document is not a mistake one of the important links. If the proofreading is not rigorous, then the official document produced will be poor quality products or even scrapped articles, not only failing to achieve the purpose of writing, sometimes causing errors to have a serious impact on the work. The main reasons for the low quality of the documentary proofreading include: First, the traditional proofreading method is unscientific. The traditional proofreading method is still a popular one-to-one reading method. Generally, one reads a manuscript and one reads a manuscript. This “actor” Listeners “dozens of years of constant practice, often” actors “singing mouth dry,” listeners "dizzying, but the proofreading effect is not ideal. Second, the respondent’s sense of responsibility is not strong. Some people correct when schooling