转眼间,已是20世纪90年代的第一个春天。西方有一句谚语说,“Time and tide waitforno man”,意思是“时不留人,客观规律不可抗拒。”事实确是如此,回想50年代初,同龄人服从组织的安排,外出求师,刚跨进麻醉学的大门时,都尚是20多岁的小伙子,40年过去,而今都是60出头的人了。碰头时,总免不了说说”老话”,回忆当年的年幼无知,也开开玩笑,但更多的话题是我国麻醉学的现状和今后的道路。普遍的看法是:“我们慢了,落后了,需要加快赶上”。回顾40年的历程,扪心自问,可算是“夙夜匪懈”未敢怠懈,何以落得现在的状况,究其结症,
In the blink of an eye, it was the first spring of the 1990s. There is a saying in the West that “Time and tide wait for no man” means “If you don’t keep people, the objective laws are irresistible.” This is indeed the case. Recall that in the early 1950s, their peers obeyed the organization’s arrangements and went out to seek advice. When he entered the door of anesthesiology, he was still a young man in his 20s. 40 years later, he is now in his early 60s. When you meet, you can’t help but talk about the old saying. Remembering young ignorance was also a joke, but more topics are the status of our anesthesiology and the way forward. The general view is: “We are slow, we are behind and we need to catch up.” Looking back on the history of 40 years, I asked myself to ask myself whether it was “not to worry about staying up late”.