◎ 编译/ 汪键鹏
2007 年7 月1 日,澳大利亚移民局公布了“最新澳大利亚技术移民紧缺职业清单”。这对不少意欲赴澳洲发展的准移民而言,是件非常值得关注的事情。比如,这次清单新增了哪些职业?又有哪些职业被取消等等?
为了帮助大家了解这次清单的变化,笔者特地登录了澳大利亚移民局网站,把2007年7月1日澳大利亚最新技术移民紧缺职业清单(MODL )http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/skilled-occupations/occupations-indemand.htm下了下来做了相应翻译与编辑,并在英文部分添加译注中文,用黑色粗体字表示新增的职业,用黑色斜体字加下划线表示2006年8月20日新增添而本次仍被保留的职业。
据笔者仔细核对,从本次清单上除名的职业只有一种:General ElectronicInstrument-Tradesperson 4314-11 普通电子仪器技工。而新增和保留的职业与紧缺职业相关问题的详细解答,请参看下表与以下英中对译内容:
Important : If you nomi nate oneof the above s p ecia l i st computingoccupations, you will only be awardedMODL points if your skills assessmentfrom the relevant Australian assessingbod y – the Aus t ra l ia n Com p ute rSociety (ACS) states you have met thecriteria to be recognized in one of theabove specializations.
( 重要提示: 如果你申请的是从事上述的计算机方面专业的职业,那么你只有通过澳大利亚承认的相关的机构——澳大利亚计算机协会(ACS) 做出的技能评估,才能获得MODL 分数。比如ACS 说明你符合上述的专业条件。)
Skills assessments provided tosuccessful applicants will state:(合格的技能评估包括:)
The ASCO Code for ComputerProfessional not elsewhere classified (nec)with the specialization stated in brackets -for example, 2231-79 (SAP)
(每个职业都有各自的代码,即ASCO Code,ASCO代码以及用括号描述的专业技能。例如:2231-79(SAP))And(和)
The s tatement : 'Based on theprovided certified documentation, it is myopinion that the applicant has 12 monthsexperience in (name of specialization, forexample, SAP)'.
(描述信息:例如,根据上述提供的证明文件,申请人拥有12 个月的SAP 工作经验。)
Note: If you have a skills assessmentwhich only states the ASCO Code for‘Computer Professional nec 2231-79’,you are not eligible to be awarded MODLpoints. A new assessment with the aboveinformation will be required if you wishto claim MODL points.
(请注意:如果技能评估里只说明了如同2231-79 格式的ASCO代码,那么你就不符合获得MODL 点数的条件。你会被要求根据这些信息做一个新的技术评估。)
针对上表内容,澳大利亚移民局还设置了相应的问题解答,笔者做了英中对译以方便读者更好地了解信息。Ask:How often does the MODLchange?
Answer:The MODL is reviewedtwice a year to take into considerationexisting and emerging skills shortages.This does not mean the list is changedtwice a year. Changes only occur if therehas been a significant change in labourmarket trends.
As the MODL may change fromtime to time, you are advised to checkthe current MODL at the time you arelodging your visa application.
(由于MODL 会发生变化, 当您提交签证申请时, 请根据您的申请时间获取最新的MODL信息。)
Ask:How are occupation pointsawarded on the points test?(如何根据分数测试获取职业分数?)
An swe r : I f y o u r n omi n a t e doccupation is on MODL either at the timeyour application is lodged or assessed,you will be eligible for‘occupation indemand/job offer’points on the GeneralSkilled Migration points test. You willreceive extra points if you have a joboffer from a suitable Australian employer.
( 如果您在递交申请或者请求评估的时候,您声明的职业已经在MODL清单里,那么你就符合通过移民分数测 试来获得职业分数的条件。如果您得到雇主的雇用,您会得到附加分数。)Ask:What is a‘suitable Australianemployer’?
( 什么是一个符合规定的澳大利亚雇主)
Answer:A‘suitable Australianemployer’ is an employer that hasemployed at least 10 people on a full-timebasis for the previous two (2) financialyears.
( 合格的澳大利亚雇主是指在过去两个财政年度里最少雇用10 个全职员工的雇主。)
If you intend to claim points for'occupation in demand/job offer' you arerequired to submit documentary evidencethat your proposed employer meets theserequirements. This evidence shouldinclude:
( 如果你想获得上表中的“紧缺职业”分数,那么你就需要提供相关文件证明来说明雇主符合这些规定。证明包括:)
a l e t t e r o f o f f e r f r om y o u rprospect ive employer on off icialletterhead of the company which statesthe full address of the company andany telephone, fax numbers, e-mail andwebsite addresses.
( 封印有雇主公司正式台头的雇主信,有完整详细的公司地址、电话、传真、电子邮件和网站信息。)
the name and position of the personauthorised to sign the employmentreference typed or stamped below thatperson's signature.
( 雇主信签发人的名字以及职位,及其亲笔签名)
a reference wi th an i l legiblesignature will not be accepted
( 不接受带有不符合规定签名的推荐信,比如签名潦草的推荐信将不被受理)
details of the position you arebeing offered, the main five duties to beundertaken, and the salary level( 所获得职位的具体说明,列举五项主要职责及其工资水平。)
details of the organization makingthe job offer, including the number ofpeople it has employed on a full-timebasis for the previous two (2) years
( 公司的具体信息与组织架构,包括过去两年的全职人员数。)
The department will make anynecessary checks to ensure that theinformation provided is correct.
(上述所有的信息,移民局都将做出必要的核查, 以确保所提供的信息的正确性)
Priority processing
( 优先权)
If your nominated occupation ison the MODL, your General SkilledMigration visa application will receivepriority processing.
( 如果您申请的职业在上表MODL清单里,那么您的紧缺职业的最新技术移民申请就将获得优先处理。)
2007 年7 月1 日,澳大利亚移民局公布了“最新澳大利亚技术移民紧缺职业清单”。这对不少意欲赴澳洲发展的准移民而言,是件非常值得关注的事情。比如,这次清单新增了哪些职业?又有哪些职业被取消等等?
为了帮助大家了解这次清单的变化,笔者特地登录了澳大利亚移民局网站,把2007年7月1日澳大利亚最新技术移民紧缺职业清单(MODL )http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/skilled-occupations/occupations-indemand.htm下了下来做了相应翻译与编辑,并在英文部分添加译注中文,用黑色粗体字表示新增的职业,用黑色斜体字加下划线表示2006年8月20日新增添而本次仍被保留的职业。
据笔者仔细核对,从本次清单上除名的职业只有一种:General ElectronicInstrument-Tradesperson 4314-11 普通电子仪器技工。而新增和保留的职业与紧缺职业相关问题的详细解答,请参看下表与以下英中对译内容:
Important : If you nomi nate oneof the above s p ecia l i st computingoccupations, you will only be awardedMODL points if your skills assessmentfrom the relevant Australian assessingbod y – the Aus t ra l ia n Com p ute rSociety (ACS) states you have met thecriteria to be recognized in one of theabove specializations.
( 重要提示: 如果你申请的是从事上述的计算机方面专业的职业,那么你只有通过澳大利亚承认的相关的机构——澳大利亚计算机协会(ACS) 做出的技能评估,才能获得MODL 分数。比如ACS 说明你符合上述的专业条件。)
Skills assessments provided tosuccessful applicants will state:(合格的技能评估包括:)
The ASCO Code for ComputerProfessional not elsewhere classified (nec)with the specialization stated in brackets -for example, 2231-79 (SAP)
(每个职业都有各自的代码,即ASCO Code,ASCO代码以及用括号描述的专业技能。例如:2231-79(SAP))And(和)
The s tatement : 'Based on theprovided certified documentation, it is myopinion that the applicant has 12 monthsexperience in (name of specialization, forexample, SAP)'.
(描述信息:例如,根据上述提供的证明文件,申请人拥有12 个月的SAP 工作经验。)
Note: If you have a skills assessmentwhich only states the ASCO Code for‘Computer Professional nec 2231-79’,you are not eligible to be awarded MODLpoints. A new assessment with the aboveinformation will be required if you wishto claim MODL points.
(请注意:如果技能评估里只说明了如同2231-79 格式的ASCO代码,那么你就不符合获得MODL 点数的条件。你会被要求根据这些信息做一个新的技术评估。)
针对上表内容,澳大利亚移民局还设置了相应的问题解答,笔者做了英中对译以方便读者更好地了解信息。Ask:How often does the MODLchange?
Answer:The MODL is reviewedtwice a year to take into considerationexisting and emerging skills shortages.This does not mean the list is changedtwice a year. Changes only occur if therehas been a significant change in labourmarket trends.
As the MODL may change fromtime to time, you are advised to checkthe current MODL at the time you arelodging your visa application.
(由于MODL 会发生变化, 当您提交签证申请时, 请根据您的申请时间获取最新的MODL信息。)
Ask:How are occupation pointsawarded on the points test?(如何根据分数测试获取职业分数?)
An swe r : I f y o u r n omi n a t e doccupation is on MODL either at the timeyour application is lodged or assessed,you will be eligible for‘occupation indemand/job offer’points on the GeneralSkilled Migration points test. You willreceive extra points if you have a joboffer from a suitable Australian employer.
( 如果您在递交申请或者请求评估的时候,您声明的职业已经在MODL清单里,那么你就符合通过移民分数测 试来获得职业分数的条件。如果您得到雇主的雇用,您会得到附加分数。)Ask:What is a‘suitable Australianemployer’?
( 什么是一个符合规定的澳大利亚雇主)
Answer:A‘suitable Australianemployer’ is an employer that hasemployed at least 10 people on a full-timebasis for the previous two (2) financialyears.
( 合格的澳大利亚雇主是指在过去两个财政年度里最少雇用10 个全职员工的雇主。)
If you intend to claim points for'occupation in demand/job offer' you arerequired to submit documentary evidencethat your proposed employer meets theserequirements. This evidence shouldinclude:
( 如果你想获得上表中的“紧缺职业”分数,那么你就需要提供相关文件证明来说明雇主符合这些规定。证明包括:)
a l e t t e r o f o f f e r f r om y o u rprospect ive employer on off icialletterhead of the company which statesthe full address of the company andany telephone, fax numbers, e-mail andwebsite addresses.
( 封印有雇主公司正式台头的雇主信,有完整详细的公司地址、电话、传真、电子邮件和网站信息。)
the name and position of the personauthorised to sign the employmentreference typed or stamped below thatperson's signature.
( 雇主信签发人的名字以及职位,及其亲笔签名)
a reference wi th an i l legiblesignature will not be accepted
( 不接受带有不符合规定签名的推荐信,比如签名潦草的推荐信将不被受理)
details of the position you arebeing offered, the main five duties to beundertaken, and the salary level( 所获得职位的具体说明,列举五项主要职责及其工资水平。)
details of the organization makingthe job offer, including the number ofpeople it has employed on a full-timebasis for the previous two (2) years
( 公司的具体信息与组织架构,包括过去两年的全职人员数。)
The department will make anynecessary checks to ensure that theinformation provided is correct.
(上述所有的信息,移民局都将做出必要的核查, 以确保所提供的信息的正确性)
Priority processing
( 优先权)
If your nominated occupation ison the MODL, your General SkilledMigration visa application will receivepriority processing.
( 如果您申请的职业在上表MODL清单里,那么您的紧缺职业的最新技术移民申请就将获得优先处理。)