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孩子的教育问题是许多家长的头等大事。作为启蒙第一阶段的学前教育,就更是备受家长重视,而公办园“入园难”、民办园“入园贵”等问题,则让学前教育陷入尴尬境地。如何走出幼教困境?政府应起到主导责任,引领幼教事业健康发展。财政补贴1个亿广东东莞市幼师待遇每月多在2000元以下,普遍偏低的待遇导致师资流动大、教学质量难保障,学前教育成了东莞教育的薄弱环节。从今年开始,东莞市财政将连续3年,每年拿出1亿元对全市公办和民办幼儿园进行普惠性补贴,补贴主要用于提高幼师待遇。 Children’s education is a top priority for many parents. As the first stage of enlightenment, pre-school education is much more valued by parents. Problems such as public park “difficult to park” and “private park” “expensive for admission” put pre-school education in an awkward position. How to get out of the plight of early childhood education? The government should play a leading role and lead the healthy development of preschool education. Financial subsidies 1 billion Guangdong Dongguan kindergarten treatment more than 2,000 yuan per month in the following generally low treatment led to the flow of teachers, difficult to guarantee the quality of education, pre-school education has become the education sector in Dongguan is the weakest link. From the beginning of this year, Dongguan City Finance will continue for three years in a row, with an annual subsidy of 100 million yuan to provide inclusive subsidies to public and private kindergartens in the city. The subsidies are mainly used to increase the treatment of kindergarten teachers.
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“五十六个民族,五十六支花五十六个兄弟姐妹是一家……”每当听到这首优美的歌曲,我就会不由自主地想起发生在自己身边的民族团结故事。北方的春天,乍暖还寒,而在我 Fifty-
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