摘 要:小说《哈克贝利·芬历险记》语言是作家马克·吐温精心设计的。语体。语言浅白简劲,遣词造句符合哈克与吉姆的身份。白开水似的语言往往蕴涵丰富。译者采用以直译为主,意译为辅的技巧,用明白如话、简洁通顺的汉语口语体译出了原著所独有的语言特色。然而,译文仍有值得商榷的地方:原作中白人英语与黑人英语区别显著,译文中却不太明显;方言土话能映衬人物身份和地位,在译文中如何复制值得深思。
Abstract: The language of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was carefully designed by writer Mark Twain. Style. The language is simple and concise, and the words and sentences conform to the identities of Huck and Jim. Boiled water-like language often contains rich language. The translator adopts the techniques of mainly literal translation and paraphrasing, and translates the unique linguistic features of the original Chinese into a simple and smooth spoken Chinese. However, the translation is still open to question: there are significant differences between white English and black English in the original works but not obvious in the translation; dialect land dialect can reflect the status and status of the characters and how to copy in the translation is worth pondering.