对岩质海岸防护林主要造林树种根系强化土壤抗冲性进行研究 ,发现根径在 0 .5mm以下和 0 .5~ 1mm的细根对土壤抗冲性的强化效应显著 ,原因在于数量庞大的细根系直接网络土体、活跃细根系的死亡分解及根系分泌物对土壤结构的间接改良作用。当根径不小于1mm径级的细根在原有基础上每 1 0 0 0cm3土增加 1 0 0 g根量 ,树木根系对土壤抗冲性强化值将分别增加 2 1 .45(湿地松 )、1 2 .2 0 (马尾松 )、2 8.99(日本扁柏 )和 1 1 .34(毛竹 )。
The research on the soil anti-scourability of the root-afforestation in the main afforestation tree of the rocky coastal shelter forest found that the strengthening effect of the fine root with the diameter below 0.5mm and the diameter of 0.5-1mm on soil anti-scourability was significant due to the large amount of fine Root direct soil network, active fine roots decomposition and root exudates on the indirect improvement of soil structure. When root diameter is not less than 1mm diameter root size on the basis of the original increase of 1 000 g soil per 1 0 0 0 g root volume, tree roots on the soil anti-sclerosis values will increase by 21.45 (Slash pine) 1 2 .2 0 (masson pine), 2 8.99 (Japanese cypress) and 1 1 .34 (bamboo).