当我偶然读到克里斯托弗·拉什(Christopher Lasch)的《自恋文化》的时候,我开始专门思考那喀索斯的问题。对于女权主义已经取得的为数不多的社会成就而言,这本书似乎是一个不小的非难。可是,那喀索斯却是少年男儿身!而似乎显得尤为不公正的是,这位年轻的执行者被描写成“快乐的妓女”。(“雅皮”这个词当时还没有被列入常用语中。)无论如何,妓女们已经在恰时地组织起来,因为她们的阶级地位与年轻的执行者的地位相当不同。我转而去读弗洛伊德的书,发现他也将最丰富的自恋范例定位于女人,尤其是那些还没有被母性的继发性自恋所成就
When I read Christopher Lasch’s “narcissistic culture” by chance, I began to think exclusively about the issue of Narcissus. This book seems to be a big deal for the few social achievements feminists have made. However, Narcissus is a young man, and it seems particularly injustice that the young performer is portrayed as “a happy prostitute.” (The word “yapi” was not yet included in the common language at that time.) In any case, prostitutes are already organized at precisely the right time because their class status is quite different from that of young performers. Instead, I went to read Freud’s book and found that he also targeted the richest narcissistic paradigms for women, especially those who had not been secondary to narcissism