允许一些学校自主确定招生规模自主招生;放宽入学限制;允许一些学校和专业提前招生;允许组织补录;试行春秋两季招生;试行学分制和弹性学制;逐步扩大中职生对口升入高职的比例。 本刊讯(特约记者 董强):2000年中等职业学校招生录取工作即将开始,针对今年中等职业
Allowing some schools to decide on their own enrollment scale independently; relaxing admission restrictions; allowing some schools and professions to enroll students in advance; allowing organizations to make supplements; enrolling students in spring and autumn; pilot credit system and flexible academic system; proportion. Benxi hearing (special correspondent Dong Qiang): 2000 secondary vocational school enrollment admission work is about to begin, for this year’s secondary occupation