Restorative justice procedure is a new criminal justice mode advocated by western countries in recent years to replace criminal trial. Its core concept is exactly the same as the criminal justice purpose of minors involved in “education, probation and salvation” in our country. However, the simple restorative justice procedure emphasizes the restoration of social relations while neglecting the re-socialization of the inner thoughts of the minors involved in crimes and the re-socialization of their external behaviors. Therefore, their unstable psychological state and behavior are not fundamentally resolved mode. Incorporating psychological counseling mechanisms into the concrete implementation of restorative justice procedures can better help the minors involved in crimes to form a healthy mentality and return to society smoothly. At present, the psychological repairs to minors involved in crimes are feasible but have not yet achieved the desired results. Therefore, it is necessary to further construct the psychological counseling system for minors from the perspectives of participants, process design, and forms of counseling.