“救死扶伤是医生的天职”,“选择了做医务工作者,就是选择了奉献和牺牲”。这是顽强战斗在抗“SARS”一线的医务工作者的心声,也是广大医务工作者从医生涯的真实写照。 《中国疼痛医学杂志》副主编、中日友好医院疼痛科主任樊碧发主任医师第一批就勇敢地战斗在抗“SARS”第一线。他每
“To save lives and tore is the vocation of the doctor,” “choosing to be a medical worker means choosing sacrifice and sacrifice.” This is the voice of medical workers who stubbornly fight in the front line of “SARS” and a true portrayal of medical workers from the medical profession. Deputy Chief Editor of Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine and Director of Pain Department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital Fan Bifa Chief physician bravely fought in the front line against SARS. He each