平顶山市地方煤炭资源包括韩梁矿区、梨园—焦谷山矿区、朝川矿区、庇山矿区、黄道矿区及宝丰矿区(含香山矿) 等,全市矿井总数为627个,其中地方国营煤矿12个,乡镇煤矿615个,乡镇煤矿中骨干矿井62个。 平顶山市地方煤矿煤种有无烟煤、炼焦用煤及动力用煤。特别是韩梁、临汝煤田的肥、焦、气煤可选性及结焦性能最好,山西组煤层洗精煤炼出的焦炭,具有灰分低、硫分低、机械强度和耐磨性高等特点,是大中型高炉冶炼用的抢手货。近来梨园煤矿在省能源研究所的协助下,以简单配方炼出二号铸造焦,具有重要的经济意义。因此,在“七五”期间,有计划、有步骤地进一步开发煤炭资源和搞好综合利用,发展我市地方煤炭工业有战略性和方向性的意义。为了做好这方面的工作,特提出以下初步意见:
The local coal resources in Pingdingshan include Hanliang Mining Area, Liyuan-Jiaoushan Mining Area, Chaochuan Mining Area, Bingshan Mining Area, Zodiac Mining Area and Baofeng Mining Area (including Xiangshan Mine). The total number of mines in the city is 627, of which 12 are state-owned coal mines, 615 township coal mines, 62 township coal mine backbone. Pingdingshan coal mine local coal anthracite, coking coal and power coal. Especially Hanliang, Linru coalfield fertilizer, coke, gas coal selectivity and coking performance is best, Shanxi group coal washing coal refining coke, with low ash, low sulfur, high mechanical strength and wear resistance Features, is the hot medium for large and medium-sized blast furnace smelting. Recently, Liyuan Coal Mine, with the help of the Provincial Energy Research Institute, has found that it is of economic importance to refine No.2 foundry coke by a simple formula. Therefore, during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, it is of strategic and directive significance to further develop coal resources and improve comprehensive utilization in a planned and systematic manner and to develop the local coal industry in our city. In order to do a good job in this area, we hereby put forward the following preliminary opinions: