在执教新课标高中英语必修教材第五模块Unit1 Great Scientist的reading部分John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”时,由于借班上课,执教教师首先做了自我介绍,然后描绘了执教本节课的心情,内容如下:I’m Lily,and I think I’m a little silly for I choose to expose myself to a new environment.Meanwhile,I guess you suspect my ability.What’s more,I ask so many teachers to attend my class.这个小文本既巧妙地将本单元的单词与词组融合在了一起,并迅速的拉近了教师与学生的距离,与平时听到的阅读课前大量且收效甚微的warming-up相比更直接也更有效的将学生带入到文本中,也会让学生对教师产生浓厚的兴趣,能够乐意与新教师一起互动,同时也为本篇文章的整体线索做了铺垫,继而问了学生下面的问题:What is an argument ? What does an argument consist of? 同时在对上面的小文本进行简单的分析后如上述文本的I’m silly是一个argument,而后面的是reasons最后询问学生:What is your conclusion: do you think I’m silly? 并邀请学生各抒己见,最终得出结论也是这堂阅读课的主线 an argument= reasons a conclusion 并再进一步的引申为 a good argument= strong/sound reasons a conclusion 然后依此为纲要,对本篇阅读进行了深层阅读如:对于第一段的处理是这样的:What does the writer think of John Snow according to the first paragraph?(Be aware:a conclusion doesn’t necessarily come from the last sentence of the paragraph; Sometimes it comes from the first sentence or other part of a paragraph.)然后要求学生找出本段的conclusion以及得出结论的reasons,在这个过程中,执教教师既训练了学生去阅读的阅读策略,练习学生归纳概括大意,也引导学生站在逻辑的高度去看待文本。
高中新课标的必修教材第一模块中Unit 1 Earthquakes 中的reading:A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep介绍了1972年中国唐山大地震的有关情况,内容包括震前,震中,震后的情况。这是一篇记叙类的纪实文本,但是我校一位刚刚从事教学的新教师却另辟蹊径,从完全不同的角度给我们诠释了这篇文章:
Activity 1: Enjoy the beautiful sentences of this passage and share the good sentences that you think with your classmates,and tell us the reasons.
(after some minutes)
Student1: Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. No wind,however,could blow them away.
(I think this sentence is very good,for it can show us a vivid picture of how serious the earthquake is,and that the earth seems breathless.)
Student 2: the title of this passage is very good---A Night The Earth Didn’t sleep,and the last sentence ---Slowly the city began to breathe again.
(I think they are both good,for the author compare the earth as a person,it will make us get closer to the affair)
Student 3: It seemed as if the world was at an end!......But how could the survivors believe it was natural? Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.
(In my opinion,these sentences are great,the first one used the phrase “as if ” to show how sad the people feel and how serious the situation is. The second one use a question,but the author doesn’t want us to answer it,he just want us to feel the event.
The teacher made a conclusion: these students did very good jobs,just because these sentences made our passage lively and vivid,also it makes us nearly on the scene.
通过上述活动,教师使得学生在欣赏文本的同时,引入了修辞的概念,很多教师在教学的过程中比较关注文章的细节,严格意义上似乎做到了新课标中用英语获取信息的基本要求,然后怎样用英语分析获取信息,进而用英语来解决问题的能力是没有的,除了被动接受教师灌输的知识以外很难让学生在源于文本的基础上实现高于文本的理解,即实现read between lines乃至read beyond lines。
在执教新课标高中英语必修教材第五模块Unit1 Great Scientist的reading部分John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”时,由于借班上课,执教教师首先做了自我介绍,然后描绘了执教本节课的心情,内容如下:I’m Lily,and I think I’m a little silly for I choose to expose myself to a new environment.Meanwhile,I guess you suspect my ability.What’s more,I ask so many teachers to attend my class.这个小文本既巧妙地将本单元的单词与词组融合在了一起,并迅速的拉近了教师与学生的距离,与平时听到的阅读课前大量且收效甚微的warming-up相比更直接也更有效的将学生带入到文本中,也会让学生对教师产生浓厚的兴趣,能够乐意与新教师一起互动,同时也为本篇文章的整体线索做了铺垫,继而问了学生下面的问题:What is an argument ? What does an argument consist of? 同时在对上面的小文本进行简单的分析后如上述文本的I’m silly是一个argument,而后面的是reasons最后询问学生:What is your conclusion: do you think I’m silly? 并邀请学生各抒己见,最终得出结论也是这堂阅读课的主线 an argument= reasons a conclusion 并再进一步的引申为 a good argument= strong/sound reasons a conclusion 然后依此为纲要,对本篇阅读进行了深层阅读如:对于第一段的处理是这样的:What does the writer think of John Snow according to the first paragraph?(Be aware:a conclusion doesn’t necessarily come from the last sentence of the paragraph; Sometimes it comes from the first sentence or other part of a paragraph.)然后要求学生找出本段的conclusion以及得出结论的reasons,在这个过程中,执教教师既训练了学生去阅读的阅读策略,练习学生归纳概括大意,也引导学生站在逻辑的高度去看待文本。
高中新课标的必修教材第一模块中Unit 1 Earthquakes 中的reading:A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep介绍了1972年中国唐山大地震的有关情况,内容包括震前,震中,震后的情况。这是一篇记叙类的纪实文本,但是我校一位刚刚从事教学的新教师却另辟蹊径,从完全不同的角度给我们诠释了这篇文章:
Activity 1: Enjoy the beautiful sentences of this passage and share the good sentences that you think with your classmates,and tell us the reasons.
(after some minutes)
Student1: Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. No wind,however,could blow them away.
(I think this sentence is very good,for it can show us a vivid picture of how serious the earthquake is,and that the earth seems breathless.)
Student 2: the title of this passage is very good---A Night The Earth Didn’t sleep,and the last sentence ---Slowly the city began to breathe again.
(I think they are both good,for the author compare the earth as a person,it will make us get closer to the affair)
Student 3: It seemed as if the world was at an end!......But how could the survivors believe it was natural? Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.
(In my opinion,these sentences are great,the first one used the phrase “as if ” to show how sad the people feel and how serious the situation is. The second one use a question,but the author doesn’t want us to answer it,he just want us to feel the event.
The teacher made a conclusion: these students did very good jobs,just because these sentences made our passage lively and vivid,also it makes us nearly on the scene.
通过上述活动,教师使得学生在欣赏文本的同时,引入了修辞的概念,很多教师在教学的过程中比较关注文章的细节,严格意义上似乎做到了新课标中用英语获取信息的基本要求,然后怎样用英语分析获取信息,进而用英语来解决问题的能力是没有的,除了被动接受教师灌输的知识以外很难让学生在源于文本的基础上实现高于文本的理解,即实现read between lines乃至read beyond lines。