【摘 要】
Hermite-Gaussian functions were used to calculate the dispersion of holey fibers, when pitch was more than 0.6 μm, there was dispersion inflexion at 1.55 μm
【机 构】
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,Department of Electronic E
【出 处】
Chinese Optics Letters
Hermite-Gaussian functions were used to calculate the dispersion of holey fibers, when pitch was more than 0.6 μm, there was dispersion inflexion at 1.55 μm (wavelength), and the relation of the dispersion inflexion versus fiber structure was given. Calculations show that the dispersion of holey fiber could reach -2300 ps/(nm·km), or they could compensate (to within ±4%) the dispersion of 120 times of their length of standard single mode fiber over a 100-nm range.
Hermite-Gaussian functions were used to calculate the dispersion of holey fibers, when pitch was more than 0.6 μm, there was dispersion inflexion at 1.55 μm (wavelength), and the relation of the dispersion inflexion versus fiber structure was given. Calculations show that the dispersion of holey fiber could reach -2300 ps / (nm · km), or they could compensate (to within ± 4%) the dispersion of 120 times of their length of standard single mode fiber over a 100-nm range.
1945年8月15日,经过8年艰苦卓绝的浴血抗战,日本终于无条件投降。消息传来,普天同庆。 日本的失败,使国民党突然面对一笔巨大的财产。9月,上海成立了“敌伪机关及资产接收委员会”, 10月又成立了“不动产处置委员会”和“敌伪侵占平民工商企业处置委员会”。以后各种有关机构越设越多,如第三集团军、海军总司令部、国防部、经济部、粮食部、上海市政府等都有自己的“办事处”负责接收。各机构代表不同集团的利
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