
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuangyunlo
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随着企业间的竞争日趋激烈,主导企业成败的核心竞争力已由过去的资本、劳动力和自然资源升级为信息、知识和文化。企业文化成为企业核心竞争力的核心构成要素,为企业可持续发展提供动力之源。建设优秀的企业文化对企业核心竞争力的培育与提升起着决定性作用。企业文化与核心竞争力的内在关系企业核心竞争力是由多种能力要素构成的多位一体的综合能力系统。对于不同企业,关键的能力不尽相同,但各种能力必须作为一个有机整体才能真正成为企业的核心竞争力。这些能力要素,根据其内在机理可分为三个层面:产品层,主要包括技术、人才、设备、产品等核心资源;制度层,包括管理控制及学习和创新能力:核心层,包括企业文化、人力资源、企业创新能力,而在这三大要素之间,企业文化又是重中之重,在某种程度上决定着企业创新能力与人力资源。企业文化是企业所独有的,是在企业 With the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, the core competitiveness that led the success or failure of enterprises has been upgraded from past capital, labor and natural resources to information, knowledge and culture. Corporate culture has become a core component of the core competitiveness of enterprises, providing a source of sustainable development for enterprises. Building a good corporate culture plays a decisive role in nurturing and enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises. The inner relationship between corporate culture and core competitiveness The core competitiveness of enterprises is composed of a variety of competency elements of the integrated multi-functional system. For different enterprises, the key capabilities are not the same, but all kinds of capabilities must be an organic whole can really become the core competitiveness of enterprises. According to its inherent mechanism, these elements of competence are divided into three levels: the product layer, which mainly includes the core resources such as technology, human resources, equipment and products; the system layer including management control, learning and innovation ability: the core layer includes the corporate culture, Human resources and innovation ability of enterprises. However, between these three elements, the corporate culture is the most important one, which to some extent determines the innovation capability and human resources of enterprises. Corporate culture is unique to the enterprise, is in the business
公立学校不应当居于垄断地位,教育内容也不应当由国家统一规定。父母才是教育制度选择的主体,国家只有协助父母们的义务,而没有对父母们指手画脚的权力。 Public schools sh