High-resolution shallow seismic methods are the most widely used method in near-surface surveys. However, in many cases, interpretation of seismic data often leads to errors. In this paper, we introduce three examples and analyze the causes of the errors that cause the interpretation of P-wave, SH-wave, multichannel surface wave (MASW) seismic data, mostly due to improper surface or subsurface constraints. The first example is the characteristic of a wave on a P-wave reflection profile interpreted as a shallow fault, but later it was confirmed that it was caused by a high level of background noise because the acquisition line passed a road intersection. The second example is that a wave feature on the SH wave reflection seismic profile is interpreted as a reverse dip-slip, but targeted drilling indicates that it is a deep localized erosion that intrudes into the bedrock surface. Finally, in the third example, a steep dip in the MASW profile was originally interpreted as bedrock. However, subsequent drilling showed that it was a very soft lake deposit, which severely damaged the application of surface wave frequency bands. Although the initial interpretation was incorrect, it stimulated discussions between geophysicists and geologists and emphasized the need for meaningful cooperation and discussion among scientists when, when and after geophysical data collection.