胃肠道间质瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumors,GIST)是一种发生于消化道的少见的肿瘤。它属于间叶肿瘤的一种,由于其特殊的组织学、免疫表型及分子遗传学特点。故Mazur等[1]于1983年首次提出了GIST这个概念,将它与其他的间叶肿瘤以示区分。但是,GIST的发病率极低,约2/10万[2],所以过去对GIST的组织发生、生物学行为肿瘤的恶性程度都并不十分明确,这就给临床诊治带来了很多混淆。近10年来,由于各种诊断技术,特别是分子生物学在临床上的应用,对GIST的诊治有了长足的进步[3],本文现对该领域作一综述。
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) is a rare tumor that occurs in the digestive tract. It belongs to a kind of mesenchymal tumor, because of its special histology, immunophenotype and molecular genetics. Therefore, Mazur et al [1] first proposed the concept of GIST in 1983, to distinguish it from other mesenchymal tumors. However, the incidence of GIST is very low, about 2/100000 [2], so in the past for the organization of GIST, biological behavior of malignancy are not very clear, which gives clinical diagnosis and treatment brought a lot of confusion. The past 10 years, due to various diagnostic techniques, especially the clinical application of molecular biology, has made considerable progress in the diagnosis and treatment of GIST [3], this article is reviewed in this area.