The application of fractional equation is the extension and deepening of solution division equation. Some students fear the application of the problem, mainly because the equation can not be listed. There are two reasons for this: First, we can not find the right equivalence relation , Because the equivalence relation in some questions is not the only one, and the second one is that it does not use the relational formula to convert between quantities.This paper intends to illustrate the specific thinking process of solving the fractional equation by solving the practical problems through an example, Inspired Example 1 The midline of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is under construction in Beijing. A construction unit is going to reinforce a section of 2,200m long embankment. Due to the new reinforcement mode, the length of reinforcement per day is 1.1 times of the original planned reinforcement length, thus completing the river Dyke reinforcement project