Once Snubbed, Now Wooed

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  In the fashion scene, cars, food, sports...and so forth, bloggers were once spurned as freeloaders trying to slip into a trade fair on a free press ticket. Now they are respected reporters and welcomed visitors, especially at trade fairs.
  Growing public interest in this species underscores what everyone had already guessed: bloggers have more or less entered the mainstream. Fashion blog networks, in particular, have made a break-through in Germany. Hubert Burda Media bought into the fashion blog Modeblog fro LesMads and Otto has taken on well known fashion blogs for its “Two for Fashion” network. The strategy bears great potential shared marketing, internet presence, influence.
  T h e I g e d o C o m p a n y f r o m Dusseldorf is utilizing the growing public acceptance of bloggers in its communications portfolio. Ines Cont, head of the press department: ”During Collection Premiere Moscow(CPM), we started collaboration with the fashion portal “The Look” in the Russian metropolis at the 20th CPM this February.” In projects like the Blogger’s Choice’, some 20 bloggers accompanied individual exhibitors during the fair, or discussed interesting labels, commented on fashion shows and analysed the styles of fair visitors for them.

  “This is a win-win situation for us trade fair organizers, not only because we help our clients, the exhibitors, to promote and sell their labels but also because the trade fair itself is advertised on the brand websites of the fashion portal, we can place banner advertising on the homepages of the blogger portals and publish photos and videps pf the fair there.” In return, Igedo provided the Look with an exhibition stand as a workplace. Bloggers were also treated to a guided tour of the fair, which offered initial impressions.
  So are blogs now the ideal way of reporting a trade fair? Do they give exhibitors more publicity than communication through conventional media channels? “We will not be doing anything in this direction for the IAA,”says Sandra Courant. The deputy manager of the press department of the fair’s organizer, German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), welcomes the many enthusiasts who blog on the IAA, but remains committed to conventional press work. “Although our exhibitors may well employ individual blogger.” BMW, for example, discovered the positive PR effect of its own IAA blog in 2005. The scene is so mixed and the attention that the IAA generates as a Mecca for car enthusiasts around the world so strong that it is very difficult to control. The VDA is therefore making no attempts to channel this form of reporting.   While fashion, lifestyle and glamour might interest the masses, the topic of food has a much more heterogeneous following-from bloggers who perceive food as a political act to gourmets who simply enjoy eating. That is precisely the cross-section that we see among the visitors to our fair,” says Andreas Wallbillich of the competence team Lifestyle&Freizelt of Messe Stuttgart. “And it can be broken down further. There are many bloggers who concentrate on a specific segment such as wine, meat or baking.” the fair has its own social media channels to welcome them and broadcast the special fair events available to them while also relying on the support of well known food bloggers as multipliers. They are known to the organizer now, After all, Stuttgart Messe monitors its fair extensively. At the most recent fair in April 2013, they produced over 100 A4 pages of blogger posts. “The bloggers are as diverse as their posts”, says Wallibillich, “and cover everything from the first Swabian whisky to photos of individual exhibitors. And that is where the benefit for our customers lies. Their presence goes beyond the fair; many bloggers link their posts with the online shops of exhibitors, giving them new sales channels beyond the fair and their regional catchment area.”
  The event is also offered at the large holiday fair CMT, which kicks off the trade fair year in January. The first exhibition took place this year with 15 participants. The event covering the food fair also started with roughly that number. The organizers make sure that not any old bloggers appear at the meeting, they owe that to their exhibitors after all. “We now have a blogger distribution list for our press dispatches and look very carefully at the blogs of the applicants”. Explains Ines Cont. Igedo also looks at the number of followers and interesting writing.

  In Stuttgart, applicants have to register their product via a link, which is studied by the trade fair company. “We can now tap into well-known multipliers in the community”, says Wallbillich.
  Nurnbergmess also recognised the value of bloggers early on. Way back in 2008, it welcomed them to Biofach with open arms. “The group has since from to easily 50 bloggers,” says Magdalena Beichel, press officer for the Nuremberg company. They have their own blogger center equipped with workstations and WiFi and get invited to an evening event. Beichel finds it exciting that, alongside familiar faces, there are always new bloggers. “Obviously that does open the debate on accreditation, but for us they are just as legitimate as journalists. They report objectively, they have a wide reach and, let’s not underestimate it, they blog in real time from the fair.” All advantages that Nurembergmesse now also wants to use for its Mailing Days, to which it has also invited marketing bloggers for the first time.
泰国参与展览业活动的历史可追溯至1862年,泰国分别参与了于1862年和1882年举办的伦敦和巴黎世界博览会(世博会)。泰国是除了中国和日本以外参加1862年伦敦世界博览会的亚洲国家之一。泰国参加世博会的目的是为了加强国际联系并推广泰国的农产品和手工业品。  之后,泰王国了解到运用博览会的平台实现促进外交、政治、教育以及贸易等方面目的的用途,并通过参与各界世博会,从中积累不少经验,于1882年在庆
稳中攀升的重复“参展率”  第九届中国纺织品服装贸易展览会(巴黎)暨巴黎国际服装服饰采购展(CTAF/APP Paris)(以下简称“巴黎展”)将于2013年9月16-19日在巴黎布尔热展览中心与欧洲知名的Texworld服装面料展同期同馆举办。展览会由中国纺织工业联合会主办,中国国际贸促会纺织行业分会(纺织贸促会)、中国服装协会和法兰克福展览(法国)公司承办。  据悉,本届巴黎展展出面积为120
印度是发展中大国,中印两国已经成为亚洲乃至世界经济的火车头。近年来中印双边经贸快速发展,且呈不断加速的趋势。中印双边贸易额从2001年35.9亿增长到2012年约750亿美元,双方确定2015年双边贸易额达到1,000亿美元的目标,2012年3月,中印两国领导人共同宣布2012年为“中印友好合作年”,表示要以此为契机把中印战略合作伙伴关系提高到新水平。  为帮助我国企业搭建“走出去”平台,进一步促
展会概况:  100多年来,巴黎布尔热国际航空航天展是世界航空航天工业最重要的盛会,该展会于1909年举办,已经成为行业领袖和业界精英优先选择的汇合场所,创造了世界其它任何地方都无法比拟的业界相聚、发现新品和开展商务的好时机。展览举办地为巴黎大区北郊布尔热市布尔热商务机场与展览中心,主办方为巴黎国际航空及航天展公司(SIAE)。  该展会是汇集市场上的最新产品和创新技术,不论是整机制造商、设备供应
阿联酋迪拜国家展览中心宽敞、灵活,拥有现代化的设计风格。展厅面积庞大,设计灵活,可以举办各式各样的展览以及活动。颇具匠心的是,每个展厅的前端可部分移动,以供表演之用,并配备电脑设施。展馆更由于周到的服务、富有想象力的会议与餐饮设施而得到称赞。  展览中心的会议室装修融合阿拉伯特色与现代风格于一体,适合举办各类会议、宴会与大型活动。会议中心最多可容纳宾客1000人,并且可以极为灵活地分隔为两个、三个
In recent years, the trade volume between China and India has been growing steadily, and China is now India’s biggest trade partner. In 2012, state leaders from the two countries declared that the yea
作为亚洲顶级的、新加坡最大的多功能会奖旅游场所,新加坡EXPO会展中心是一个一站式大型会展与活动举办地,由Singex Venues Pte Ltd公司经营。场馆总面积一共123,000平方米,包含展厅、会议厅、接待室、可移动房间,以及MAX 展厅。该会展中心每年举办展览、大会、企业会议、颁奖典礼、招待宴会、客户商贸活动七百多场,接待宾客六百多万。新加坡EXPO会展中心共有十个展厅,每个展厅拥有超
引言  2013年5月30日下午,第二届中国(北京)国际服务贸易交易会会展板块的亮点之一——出展论坛在国家会议中心隆重举行。本届论坛由中国会展经济研究会牵头,邀请政府会展管理机构负责人、国内知名组展公司和设计搭建企业,从各个层面分析了中国目前海外自办展的趋势并分享未来展望。  中国会展经济研究会会长袁再青首先对论坛流程做了介绍,并总结了中国外贸形势,不仅需要引进来,更需要走出去,指明了在海外举办自
土耳其国会国际会展中心是土耳其首都安卡拉的重要建筑之一,总体可用面积为八万平方米,其中展厅面积为一万平方米,是城内举办国际性展览的理想选择。  会展中心内有一个大礼堂,舞台面积达1200平方米。礼堂内的座位设置得别具匠心,既可用于大型会议、商务会议,亦可举办各类优质与高标准的表演活动。在展馆的会议室内,也充满了人性化的设施。参会代表可以记笔记、用手提电脑、互联网、耳塞等等。在舞台的后端安装了电梯,
阿姆斯特丹会议中心是荷兰最大的会议与展览中心,可租用面积为106,500平方米。场内设置灵活,是举办会议、公司聚会与其他活动的绝佳选择。场馆内所有的空间都是多功能的,并且可以根据活动进行相应的改造。所有房间均配备空调。会议室为64个,总共可容纳1750名代表。11个多功能厅可用于举办展览、商业展会与文化、体育及各类活动。整体而言,场馆相当舒适、设计现代,可满足企业的不同商务需求。  此外,阿姆斯特