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  【关键词】听力能力 任务教学 中国二语习得者 学习水平
  【Abstract】Traditionally,audiolingualism assumed that listening is a passive skill Thus,listening comprehension has drawn the least attention.Communicative language teaching (CLT) and its subsequent branches considered listening as an active skill.Thus consider it could be influenced by different tasks.This study aims at examining the influence of task-based activities on listening ability of EFL learners and to identify whether there is any significant relationship between task types and Chinese EFL learners’ listening comprehension and what tasks correspond to the students’ language proficiency level.
  【Key Words】Listening Comprehension; Task Types; Chinese EFL Learners; Different Proficiency Level
  1.1General background.Listening comprehension traditionally has drawn the least attention in terms of both the amount of research conducted on the topic and its place in language teaching methodology.Audiolingualism assumed that listening is a passive skill and merely exposing the student to the spoken language is sufficient for listening comprehension.In fact,little effort has been conducted on the part of English teachers to enhance students’ listening comprehension ability per se.
  The most significant changes to language teaching practice over the last twenty years are those that is described as communicative language teaching (CLT).As far as CLT is concerned,it paid attention to all the four skills of language—reading,listening,speaking,and writing.Listening was no longer believed to be a passive skill.CLT and its subsequent branches considered listening as an active skill.One of CLT’s subsequent divisions has been Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT),which is based on using tasks as the core of language teaching and learning.
  1.2Tasks for Listening Comprehension.Exercises for listening comprehension are more effective if they are constructed around a task.The students should be“required to do something in response to what they hear that will demonstrate their understanding”(Dunkel,1986,p.104; Ur,1984,p.25).There are different types of tasks.However,few empirical studies have explored the potential relationship between task-based approach and language skills,specifically the listening comprehension.   The present study is concerned with the investigation of the effect of four specific types of tasks on Chinese EFL learners’ listening ability and attempted to answer the following questions:
  1.2.1Is there any significant relationship between task type and Chinese EFL learners’ listening ability?
  1.2.2What type(s) of task correspond to the students’ language proficiency level?
  2.1Setting and participants.90 EFL learners as the participants of this study are chosen from a senior high school who have studied English for at least 5 years.They were divided into 3 classes based on their high school entrance score which is also correspondence to their English levels according to the result of the pre-test.Thus they are marked as three levels of intermediate,upper-intermediate,and advanced.
  2.2.1Pretest.The pretest test is run in order to enable the researcher to judge the learners’ language proficiency level.All the participants take this test and their scores are compared with the results of the post-test.The test consists of 32 items including four sections,each devotes to one of the four tasks.The participants are instructed to finish the within 32 minutes at the same time.The tape is played only once.
  2.2.2Post-test.The post-test is to determine the efficacy of the task types on the listening comprehension of EFL learners and to see whether there are any significant relationships between the tasks and students’ language proficiency level.The post-test has the same characteristics of the task-based pretest of listening comprehension.
  3.1Study procedure.The study is last for one term.Special listening tasks are designed for each group to be practiced through the task-based approach.The four tasks are labeling,selecting,matching,and form filling,which are applied according to the framework introduced in Richards (2002,p.244).
  Concerning the sequence of class activities,the following route-map is made and implemented throughout the course: a) lead-in,b) pre-task-work,c) the actual task,d) tape playing,and e) feedback on the task.
  The tasks are ordered only on the basis of their complexity.Of the 18 weeks,2 weeks are used for administration of the tests,the first week for the pretest,and the last one for the post test.Each session lasts about 90 minutes,and the time is equally divided among the four tasks.The right and wrong scoring procedure is used in this study.A response receives a score of ’0’ if it is wrong and ’1’ if it is correct.   4.Data analysis and Findings
  The data are gathered and subjected to the statistical analysis of ANOVA and t-test in order to see if the observed English proficiency level differences are significant.The researcher apply four paired t-tests to see if there is any significant relationship between each of the four tasks and the listening comprehension of the participants,disregarding their level of language proficiency.Furthermore the researcher conducts twelve paired t-tests (three for each of the tasks) to determine if there is any significant relationship between the task in question and the participants’ level of language proficiency.
  4.1The results of the significance of participants’ English proficiency level.The result of two-way ANOVA on the participants’ performance in the three levels of language proficiency shows that the F-observed value exceed the value of F-critical (4.18) at 0.05 level of significance which indicate that the difference between the two means is statistically significant.This difference between the two F-values is high enough to make the researcher confident in attributing the difference to the treatment effect.
  4.2The results of the participants’ performance on pretest and post-test tasks.The statistics of matched t-test of the participants’ performance on the four tasks shows that the t-observed values for the tasks of“matching,form-filling,and labeling”exceed the value of t-critical at the 0.05 levels,and only the t-observed value for the“selecting”task is lower than the critical t-value (2.0).The above statistical procedures answer the first question: among the four tasks designed for teaching listening comprehension,only the effect of the selecting task is low and the three others improve the participants’ listening comprehension as a result of task-based methodology.
  4.3The results of the participants’ performance on the tasks in each level of language proficiency.The matched t-test of the participants’ performance on the tasks in each level of language proficiency shows that the P-value≤0.05,df = 29,t-critical = 2.045.The result demonstrated that,at the intermediate level,all the tasks show some degrees of correspondence with the level in question except the task of“selecting”.In the upper-intermediate level,all the tasks correspond with this level except the“selecting”task.And finally,in the advanced level,the two tasks of “matching” and“labeling”show correspondence to the level in question,and the two others do not.   5.Conclusion
  According to the obtained results,the listening-comprehension skill in EFL students tended to improve through exposure to task-based input.Specifically,the three types of “matching,labeling,and form-filling”not only affected the listening comprehension of the participants and improved it but also corresponded to the three levels of language proficiency and proved to be suitable for all the participants at all levels.
  The findings help foreign language teachers to choose the appropriate way of teaching listening and give the researchers enough confidence that the study is well worth the effort and will enhance the existing theories on task-based methodologies.
  [1]Dunkel,P.(1986).Developing listening fluency in L2: theoretical principles and pedagogical considerations.The Modern Language Journal 70,99-106.
【摘要】面对现如今我国教育改革的现状,初中教学更是面临着各科课改的挑战,英语教学也不例外。传统的英语教学比较注重学生认知方面的学习,而现在,由于对“人本”主义的回归,学校和教师越来越重视对学生的情感教育,渐渐开始关注学生的全面发展。情感教育应该依照一定的教学原则,实施情感教学的策略。  【关键词】中学英语 情感教学 教学原则  情感教学,是学生在完成认知学习的同时,也体验到情感上的感受,积极完成学
【摘要】文化是学习语言的最主要因素之一,语言是作为一种文化现象被人们在社会中应用的。因此,外语教学应注重文化对语言的影响。目前我国语言学生对语言文化的了解甚少,这对外语的学习是不利的,也因此导致学而不精,不能应用于实际生活中。本文就这些问题提出在英语教学方面应该改进的方法,增强学生的社会文化意识,提高他们学习英语的兴趣和能力。  【关键词】交际能力 跨文化交际 英语教学  【Abstract】cu
【摘要】本文运用合作学习理论对国贸专业英语教学中学生分组—合作实训模式进行研究,学生分组合作实训模式是一种使英语学习与国贸实务相结合的教学模式,有利于培养学生的综合素质,提高教学效果。  【关键词】国贸专业英语教学 分组合作 实训模式  【Abstract】The paper focuses on constructing group cooperative training model in f
英语是一门工具学科。要掌握英语,除了需学习一定的语音、词汇、语法知识外,还得练就扎实的听、说 、读、写基本功。换言之,英语学习必须通过大量的听、说、读、写训练。从这点出发,可以说,英语学习的过程也是习惯养成的过程。小学生良好的英语学习习惯主要是指良好的听、说、读、写的习惯。  一、良好的听的习惯  要求:认真听示范发音,听清后再模仿。用心听他人说英语。学习英语是从"听"起步的。“听”是“说”的前提
【摘要】随着英语流行歌曲的广泛传播,对其歌词的研究也受到了更大关注,很多专家学者从多种不同的角度对歌词中的表达方式进行了探讨,分析英语歌曲表达中语音像似性的运用形式及特点。本文主要从数量、语音、标记、隐喻以及顺序像似性五个方面进行分析,探究英语流行歌曲中像似性表达方式,从而积极推动英文歌曲的创作和得到更高层次地提升。  【关键词】英语流行歌曲 语言像似性 歌词 表达方式  语言像似性,指的是语言形
【摘要】本研究对英语专业实施CBI教学的可行性进行了分析,探讨英语专业实施内容依托教学的课程设置、各项语言技能整合于CBI教学中的模式和教学效果等问题。本研究运用问卷、访谈、测试和教学反思等研究方法,探索出应用型、通识型英语专业人才培养模式。  【关键词】内容依托教学(CBI) 英语专业 教学模式  内容依托教学(Content-Based Instruction),简称CBI)理念是20世纪60
【摘要】本文通过介绍日语单词记忆中难度较大的动词及所占比例较大的名词的记忆方法,来帮助日语学习者顺利闯过单词大关,在日语学习中如鱼得水。  【关键词】动词 名词 记忆法  随着中日友好往来的日益推进,日语学习者也日趋增加。我从事日语教学也走过了七个个年头,在这期间被学生问到的最多的问题便是:“老师,单词到底怎样才能记住啊?”对于这一问题的回答,自然是仁者见仁智者见智。那今天我选择的则是日语单词记忆