Poisson jump and manager self-interest risk-taking, which characterize the sudden loss of business, are introduced to construct the dynamic proxy model under the investment Q.Firstly, the optimal contract design based on unobservable managers’ effort and risk-taking behavior is given and the martingale method is used The evolutionary equation of the manager’s value function is obtained and the necessary and sufficient conditions for the contractual incentive compatibility are obtained.Secondly, by using the stochastic control method, the differential equation of shareholder’s value satisfaction is derived and the optimal dynamic investment strategy is given.Numerical analysis shows that, Managers’ risk-taking behavior will lead to the loss of shareholders’ value and reduce the dynamic investment to a lower level, and in addition to limit the managers’ need of additional management costs, the shareholders will to a certain extent let the managers take the risk.Finally, the related parameters and management The relationship between the degree of adventure was discussed.