含羞草科金合欢属(Acacia Mill.)和合欢属(Albizia Durazz.)的植物,是通常所说的优良紫胶寄主。近来,还有另外的含羞草科植物兰伯氏朱缨花[Calliandra lambertiana(D.Don.)Benth.](=Acacia Lambertiana D.Don.basinym),作者观察到紫胶虫在其上繁殖。在巴特那(patna)大学校园科学研究所内有几株从国外引种的兰伯氏朱缨花灌木,离2株有紫胶虫繁殖的无花果(Ficus carica Li-nn.)树(桑科)几码远,作者发现在一株兰伯氏朱缨花灌木上有紫胶虫固定,并发育到成熟。胶被十分厚实和健全。胶壳稀疏,有的地方可连续若干厘米。似乎接种是偶然的。兰伯氏朱缨花作为紫胶虫的寄主植物至今
Acacia Mill. And Albizia Durazz. Plants are the so-called excellent laccase hosts. Recently, there is another mimosaceae, Calliandra lambertiana (D. Don.) Benth. (= Acacia Lambertiana D. Don.basinym), on which the authors observed the propagation of the lac insect. In the campus of the Institute of Botanical Sciences at the University of Patna, there are several species of Crested Ibis, introduced from abroad, a few yards away from two Ficus carica Li-nn. , The authors found that there was a lac bug immobilization and development to maturity on a Lambert shrub. Glue is very thick and sound. Plastic shell sparse, and in some places continuous several cm. Vaccination seems to be accidental. Landrace Zhu Yinghua as the host plant lacca so far