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  After months of increasingly fevered anticipation, on Thursday FIFA announced, after a 1)secret ballot, that the 2018 World Cup would go to Russia. In Moscow, fans and supporters braved temperatures of minus 20 degrees to celebrate in the streets.
  Russian: (via translator) I’m cold. It’s the Russian2)frost. I’m happy that Russia will host the World Cup. Love for our country keeps us warm.
  The choice of Russia is not without potential risks. Stadiums, hotel and transport networks all need major work before the tournament takes place. Only Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium is currently fit for the task. But the 3)intervention of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin seemed to reassure members of FIFA’s executive committee. The decision will see the world’s biggest sporting 4)carnival once again 5)break new ground. After Asia in 2002, South Africa in 2010, and in 2022, Qatar.
  Mohammed bin Hamad al-Thani (Chairman of Qatar’s Bid): Today we celebrate, but tomorrow the work begins. We acknowledge that there is a lot of work for us to do.
  In Belgium, the Netherlands and England, hopes and expectations were 6)dashed. Here in London, fans were in disbelief.
  Briton: I…I’m really shocked. I really thought that England had it. I really thought it was gonna be England at 2018 World Cup. I can’t believe it’s going to Russia. Like England’s all about football, and it’s a real disappointment.
  The English bid lost out despite support from David Beckham, Prince William and British Prime Minister David Cameron. All made the trip to Zurich, but ultimately it was 7)in vain. Recent 8)revelations in the British press led to the suspension of two FIFA members on suspicion of corruption, something which Vladimir Putin, who didn’t travel to Zurich for the vote, 9)denounced as a10)smear campaign.
“不买最好的,只买最贵的。”电影《大腕》里的这句台词曾风靡一时,被插上了“炫富”的标签。确实,穷人说不出这样的话。不过,科学实验表明,“最贵的”虽说不一定是最好的,但却能带来切实的幸福感。    (起源:在1985年,一瓶据说产于1787年的拉菲特葡萄酒以十万五千英镑的价格被售出。据一位绅士说,一个偶然的机会让他在巴黎找到了一些匿藏了二百年的好酒。2005年,谜底被揭穿:这从头到尾是一个骗局,那些
Down by the salley gardens   my love and I did meet;   She passed the salley gardens   with little snow-white feet.   She bid me take love easy,   as the leaves grow on the tree;   But I, being young
纽约市布鲁克林新增的自行车道原本是为了给骑自行车的人们营造更加方便、安全的骑车环境,不曾想却引起一些人的强烈 抗议,甚至有人要将一条自行车道搬上法庭,这究竟是怎么回事……    Today is National Bike to Work Day. And on New York City’s 1)congested streets, people are cycling on hundreds
人物背景  陈浩弘——香港中式快餐大家乐集团  任加信——鸿兴印刷有限公司  刘思伟——明华电子有限公司    提起“富二代”,人们脑子里会冒出各种说法:奢华、傲慢、恃强凌弱等等,其实,坐享其成未必就是他们的理想。    Stevenson: Hi, I’m Stevenson Lau.    Christopher: Hi, I’m Christopher Yum.    Robert: I’m
2010年11月,南非首位黑人总统曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)推出其回忆录《与自我的对话》(Conversations with Myself),以纪念其获释20年。他在书中写道,自己年轻时曾是一个集懦弱、犯罪和轻率于一身的乡下男孩,并且试图掩盖懦弱。书中收录了他的笔记、信件以及日记,27年铁窗生涯的记录,毫无保留地将一个“非圣贤”的曼德拉展现人前。    Nelson Mandela
生活像什么?有人说人生如戏,有人说人生如棋;而我们的作者则说人生如穿衣,因为衣服是我们的另一层皮肤。各位读者,留意听喽……    I’m Jessi, and this is my suitcase.But before I show you what I’ve got inside,I’m going to make a very public confession,and that is,I’
This year will be different!   This year will be different!  This year I maybe eat less. You know what? I do solemnly swear that this year I will lose 10 pounds—or at least 5.  Five is the magic numbe
如今小孩儿上学真是什么都贵,开销大那是不在话下。学费神马的暂且不提,校服都贵得让人“伤不起”啊!    Interviewer: Now it’s that time of year again when many parents are getting their children ready for the new school term. In Scotland, they are back
2006年才成立的乡村乐团Lady Antebellum(战前女神,又译怀旧女郎),可说是美国乡村乐界最受注目的超新星团体。乐团由Charles Kelley、Dave Haywood和Hillary Scott组成。2008年,三人推出首张同名专辑《Lady Antebellum》,空降成为美国告示牌乡村榜冠军,以及流行专辑榜Top 4,更在极短的时间之内大破金唱片。而乐团也获得了2008年乡村
情人节马上就要到了,你是否想过在这个特别的日子向心上人求婚?你设想中的最佳方案是什么?先别急,听听过来人的心声吧。    我们常说,说话的方式比说话的内容更重要,这篇文章就很能体现这一点。作者以调侃的口吻谈求婚一事,句式、用词简单,但作者半发牢骚、半开玩笑的语气却是让人忍俊不禁。建议听、读时认真体会作者如何将语速、语调与内容很好地结合起来。    Around Valentine’s Day, I