国家办大事 消防无小事 1997年,我们国家大事、盛事不断。国家办大事,最需要稳定,基于这个出发点,嘉兴消防支队去年的工作都围绕着“确保部队稳定,确保火灾形势稳定”两个基本点开展。一年下来,部队官兵政治思想稳定,灭火战斗能力显著提高,杜绝了“群死群伤及重特大火灾事故”,全市火灾形势基本稳定,火灾损失比上年下降13.1%。在香港回归和党的十五大召开期间,支队扎实开展了消防安全大检查,以确保消防不出事,共检查单位448家,查出火险隐患1135条,发出整改通知书208份,责令6家单位停产停业,将一些可能发生的重特大火灾消除于未成形时。
National events do no small fire In 1997, our national events, events continue. The most important thing for the country to do is to stabilize. Based on this starting point, last year’s work of Jiaxing Fire Brigade revolved around two basic points: “ensuring the stability of the armed forces and ensuring the fire situation is stable”. In one year, the military officers and men in the armed forces have maintained their political ideology and markedly improved their ability to fight fires and put an end to the “heavy blowout and heavy fires.” The city’s fire situation was basically stable with a fire loss of 13.1% over the previous year. During the return of Hong Kong to the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the detachment carried out a large inspection of fire safety to ensure that no fires were found. A total of 448 units were inspected, 1135 pieces of hidden dangers of fire danger were found, 208 rectification notices were issued and 6 Units suspended production, will be some of the major fires can be eliminated when unformed.