丁信善教授,1955年1月生,山东省莱阳市人。1978年毕业于烟台师范学院英语系并留 校任教。1985年考取天津师范大学英语语言文学专业研究生,1988年获文学硕士学位。1991 年至 1996年任烟台师院外语系副主任。1992年破格晋升为副教授并被评为烟台师院中青年学术骨 干和学科带头
Dingxin Shan Professor, born in January 1955, Laiyang City, Shandong Province. In 1978 graduated from Yantai Teachers College Department of English and stay in school. 1985 admitted to Tianjin Normal University English Language and Literature graduate student, a master’s degree in 1988. From 1991 to 1996, he served as deputy director of Foreign Language Department of Yantai Teachers College. In 1992, he was promoted to associate professor and was awarded the leading backbone of young and middle-aged academic in Yantai Teachers College