在如今的信息时代,广告在经济生活中的作用可谓举足轻重。广告虽多,但其基本作用是促销产品和树立良好的企业形象。在众多的广告形式中,异军突起的揭短广告独具一格,显示出了其在促销上迷人魅力。 揭短广告:顾名思义,就是指广告主在其促销广告中故意揭自己产品之‘短’。表面上是‘揭短’,实际上迎合了顾客的‘挑刺’心理。在小小的不是缺点的‘缺点’的背后,暗示了其产品的种种优点及可爱之处,真可谓‘瑕不掩玉’。消费者见了又怎么能不动心呢?这种‘明贬暗褒’、‘大巧若拙’的手法的运用,极大地促进了销售量的提高。
In today’s information age, the role of advertising in economic life can be very important. Although there are many advertisements, its basic role is to promote products and establish a good corporate image. Among the many forms of advertising, the sudden emergence of unorthodox advertising reveals its charm in promotion. Unmasking advertisements: As the name suggests, advertisers intentionally reveal the ‘short’ of their products in their promotional advertisements. On the surface, it is ‘disclosure’, which actually caters to the customer’s ‘picking’ mentality. Behind the ‘disadvantages’ of shortcomings, it hints at the advantages and lovable aspects of its products. How can consumers not be tempted to see it? The use of such tactics as “deceit and demeanor” and “big skill” has greatly promoted the increase in sales volume.