In recent years, the Korean drama set off a series of viewing frenzy in China, causing many Chinese audiences to follow the craze of Han Xing, especially the “successors”, “you from the stars” and “the descendants of the sun,” the three most influential love plays. There have been a series of behaviors that understand Korean culture and learn Korean language. The root cause of this phenomenon is that China and South Korea have similar cultural roots. However, there are also significant differences in ethnic cultures between China and South Korea, especially in the aspects of love concept, narrative style, national language and diet culture. South Korea love drama with a distinctive national colors, and strive to watch their own culture at the same time, their own culture into the world. China Love Drama emphasizes the mainstream ideology and exposes the essence of life. Although it is also popular with the public, it still does not break the routine and make breakthroughs in innovation. In the future creation, the Chinese love drama should demonstrate the Chinese style, inform the people and the world of historical traditions, cultural heritage and cultural traditions. It is necessary not only to tell about the national cultural tradition but also to realize the modern Chinese interpretation and expression. Although there are many differences between the love drama in China and South Korea, under the condition of globalization, it is bound to create good works in mutual exchange.