Communication from the advertising strategy to creative

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  Abstract: "Warm, friendly", is not clear, is a "cold, unfriendly"? Use your common sense to judge.
  This section will contribute to the overall strategy of tremendous and positive; Rather than the end of the "format". Your attempts made on this,is you will convey a "personality"
  While the product personality, like people, must be clearly defined, people will keep in mind it.
  Keywords: strategy;creativity;communication
  One,advertising creative communication
  Environmental factors
  Any product design are marked with the brand of the environmentby age, is restricted or affect the living environment and working environment. Initiative to adapt to the environment factors in design,but also the basic requirements for the design of communication.For example, when we want to design the new furniture, in order to"flattering", you must consider the contemporary furniture popularforms or styles, family housing conditions and other factors.
  Cultural factors
  Cultural factors also can be regarded as a kind of environmental factors, but the list separately is more likely to cause the designer's attention. Because of the cultural factors have important effects on theproduct design style, concept and market positioning.Product design must meet certain cultural environment, which is the important guarantee to improve people's quality of life. For example, the microwave oven is designed into multi buttonoperating system complex, and using foreign identification, will undoubtedly bring difficulties in using to the current user.The culture is not developed urban or rural, introducing new design ofautomatic teller machine, certainly will not be successful. In summary, communication product design consideration is restricted by many factors. The designer should be good at starting from theessence of communication design, according to system analysisprinciple of design basis to determine the product design.
  Two, creative ideas
  With a new point of view to look at an old thing.
  Idea but is a combination of complex things become simple and direct, the idea of. All of a sudden, you see the dawn, two unrelated things into a new concept.
  As long as it flashes, you understand, because that is your veryfamiliar and easy to understand things, only in special way to express out beyond imagination!
  An idea is just a new combination of old materials. Good ideas are usually comes from a clear strategy.   For example: sliced bread advertising posters
  Don't know who is so picky, only butter to eat.
  Three, strategy is the roadmap
  1、Marketing target
  Determine the target system according to the facts.
  Generally speaking, customers should know but also hope that we understand we are aware of the company (or brand) key facts of the true target.
  If not, persuade him. If it still doesn't work, then we must write the goal, and strive for customer consent; of course before the creative work has not yet been.
  Then, is also very important, relevant marketing goal is as follows:
  credible, can be completed, can understand,measurabl finally, e, think about the next step. These goals must be associated with a budget. Do not attempt to use twenty cents to change the world.
  2、Advertising objectives
  We want to reach advertising what?
  Don't ask for too much. Introduction and practice. A finite, but the main target, it is feasible.
  "Want to sell a bunch of targets", of course is merely an idiot.
  The iPod is a Apple Corp design and sales of portable multi-function digital media player.
  3、The scope for competition
  This is the strategy of the war
  Unless you know who is the enemy, or you can't win. For example,it may be the path, rather than competing brands. In this part, not too by the way of investigation report writing, as much as possible for more information. (note, not to write a survey format. Let yourabstract readable, otherwise no one will read it).
  All competitors advertising information, trying to write strategy andcommunication competitors, be judged from its advertising, and write down the clear conclusion, and the difference between them
  4 、Location
  This is perhaps the most important part in the strategy. But also the most difficult to do correctly. It can be divided into two statements:
  1) now we object to see us,
  2) advertising, we hope to see our target object
  5、Consumer commitment
  This is a single appeal suggestion; commitment, it must be concise. Commitment is longer, more difficult to complete.
  6、Support point
  How do you realize your promise.
  Support is for it to speak. But remember, unless you support the kind of proof, otherwise you will not be able to realize the promise, don't make those you can't promise.
  However, please remember that, in your creative work, without all the support of the whole point of the message into them. That would be self-defeating. However, these messages should be covered in the policy, in order to provide some degree of creative team of arms and ammunition, may support the idea will come from the point!   This is why the support point of the message must be related withcommitment, not just put a bunch of useless information on the product
  7、Style and attitude
  "Warm, friendly", is not clear, is a "cold, unfriendly"? Use your common sense to judge.
  This part will be the overall strategy of the deep positive contribution; instead of the "format". Your attempts made on this, is you will convey a "personality"
  While the product personality, like people, must be clearly defined, people willremember it.
  Four, creative communication strategy
  Brand definition
  What is the brand?
  With a car, a person or a color to describe it, if the brand should be included in the portrait.
  Marketing objectives
  What is the customer's goals? Reasonable? Whether the advertising / other communication tools.
  The competitive environment
  Identify who are the main competitors, compared to our brand, what is theirposition? They appeal in advertising what?
  Target consumers
  We communicate with who? Let him or her vivid, beyond a general populationcharacteristics description, we insight into what? Please specify individual judgment, or research or brand inspection results.
  Where are we?
  Now the target consumers of our brand / product categories are what feel?They noticed that spread before us? What they remember anything specific?Compared with competitors, they think we are better or worse?
  Where are we going?
  We want to target consumers make what reaction in communication, what do you feel?
  This is a single, concise and relevant trigger, lead us from the status quo toexpectations, it can be a rational interests or emotional trigger.
  Support point
  The main facts to support button, only the main facts.
  Necessary condition
  These must be a part of, for example: the existing advertising creative concept;the established brand personality; the main enterprise assets; etc..
  Five ,A typical example of brand portrait
  Jaguar -- Jaguar and other car is not different in its appearance and themanufacturing process, the difference is the soul, feelings and don't follow.The Jaguar did not imitate, as its owner.
  Max Weir -- as weave a thread of our flag, Max Weir is our scenery is proudand eternal scenery...... It will always Shannon drops.
  BMW -- BMW is super driving machine, manly, no clumsy and old-fashioned,driving a BMW gives the driver to control the feeling and the sense of powerBMW connotation is order and harmony, it is a precise car, its light body,unlimited power, be triggered at any moment; to have BMW is successful the status of the owner of the affirmative, because not everyone can enjoy this honor, this point never publicized, but BMW cars know this; BMW is the fun of driving, driving a car design.   Six,Thinking of creative communication in the future
  The design is people-oriented design,
  Design activities need to be built to meet the basic physiological needs and emotional needs of mankind.For advertising creative, main body is the audience, the audience and the designer is the general public, it is the center of the design and scalestandard.
  The demand for advertising creative is measured by the inner scale, the scaleis determined by physiological and psychological needs of people.
  Therefore, the appearance of free, advertising creative is the inevitabledemand of social and human feelings of, is the nature of the design activity,not just a short trend a designer fashion.
  Advertising creative design level has become the measure of the standard, it will be designed to adapt to market needs long running to cater to the audience's psychological needs working target, also will be the future design trend term.
  Mr. Li Yanzu think: "what is the good design? Changing technology, market needs, aesthetic taste and so on conditions today, it is difficult to have the eternal judgment standard. But one thing is the same, that is the design of thepeople full of concern, the person's value in the first place."
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