The interest of public artistic design

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  Abstract: With the development of the information, people's pressure is increasing and spiritual life is relative lack, so the mental relaxation is urged to need. Meanwhile, due to the abundance of material life, the people’s requirement for public artistic design more than stays on the demand for the basic functions of objects, and rises to the added value, for example, a psychological spirit. In this paper, the interesting feature of public art design is elaborated by the material, color, shape and functional structure to represent the interest in public artistic design. Furthermore, under the influence of postmodernism advocating culture and its diversity, openness, variability and interest, the world has become diverse and complex, and seriousness and orthodoxy are no longer the world's only voice. Emotional and interesting design has become one of the developing direction of the future social design.
  Key words: interest; public artistic design; public
  1 The brief introduction of interest
  Why the people can feel interesting?What can cause people's interest? Why do people feel funny at this moment but not at the next moment? These questions elicited my thinking about the theory of interest. Interest is a kind of characteristic, which can make people happy, make a person feel very interesting and attractive. It is caused by a variety of uncoordinated stimulation, and grows under the conditions of gameplay and timeliness.
  2 The interesting analysis of interesting design
  To create appropriate interesting products, in-depth knowledge of it is required. This paper attempts to analyze them from the point of view of ancient Chinese, in order to know ourselves and rapidly locate in the design.
  2.1 Joy of life and temperament and interest
  Joy of life is somewhat lively and flexible, focusing on vividness, expression, exquisite charm and character. Besides, it shows the beauty and charm of life. Relying on natural things can make you better express the lively and flexible features of interest. In addition to a appropriate reference to imitate objects, grasping the extent of extracting original elements occupies the important factors. Designers need to grasp the soul of things to touch the heart of the people between similarity and dissimilarity.
  From the perspective of the emotion, in general, temperament and interest reflect a sweet and warm atmosphere. Especially under the current situations that society has become indifferent and difficult to communication, the desire to the sweet and warm atmosphere is urged to need. This kind of will better withstand the test of time.   2.2 Peculiar interest and childlike interest
  Childlike interest shows that people yearn for the carefree life, miss childhood, avoid the complicated world and fear of life dangerous. The pleasure of children is not sophisticated and natural. The public artistic design works of childlike interest are without too much depth, as the part of the sensory intuition, they are relatively shallow but pleasing. They often manifest themselves in bright colors, lively, mostly figurative bionic ways, and advocate fool shape on the function, so they are easy to learn.
  Compared with childlike interest,the common place between peculiar interest and childlike interest is that they can create a humor funny. However, the funny effect of peculiar interest is more exaggerated, and it breaks the pattern, even sometimes becomes bizarre variety.
  2.3 Description of interesting public artistic design
  Interesting public artistic design is the part of public artistic design, including public artistic form, function, texture, tactile sense and Creative background of public art and related stories which are more able to attract audience. Besides, it can have the common sense with audience, and create happy joyful public art with aesthetic experience. In the description of the concept, pleasure occupies an important position, and it is the most direct reaction generated by interesting public artistic works. Generation of pleasure can not only have a direct physical pleasure but also have an indirect enjoyment of emotional spirit.
  A proverb says "interest without argument". It shows that different people have different tastes. Firstly, works of public artistic design have some relevance with human psychological cognitive differences. People with different learning background will have different feelings about interest. Furthermore, cognition of interesting public art design also has connected with human psychological degree. In general, the deeper extent that you acknowledge the works of public artistic design, the less places that you pay attention to, as well as the less they can cause the people's curiosity, and the perception of interest will be relatively weakened. Therefore, for the audience, interest of public art design has a certain time limit. Interest is the part of personal preference and peculiarities which is formed in the personal habits. To some extent, it also illustrates that enjoyment of interesting public artistic design has a private side, and belongs to a kind of emotional expression.   Interesting public artistic design inherited a lot of design languages of the context of postmodernism. It utilizes the advantage of design itself to make pleasure to reach an inanimate amiable and friendly affinity and amiability between public artistic design with people, and it seems as a better bridge between the city and people. Correct and reasonable use of interesting design can enhance people's sense of kinship with the city. The own interesting words of public artistic design enhance the communication with people, and can make an extremely delicate feeling between the bland user and by the user. At the same time, when we make this kind of public artistic design, we can’ t make sensory pleasure generalized, nor can make our personality or private side generalized. Therefore, the pleasure coming from public artistic design can be only enjoyed by certain populations.
  3 Analysis of performance practices of interesting public artistic design
  3.1 bionic design
  It is a well-known design technique which is commonly used in interesting designs. By extracting and generalizing bionic components, people taste recognition of artistic works will be focused on a point of the art or vague overall impression, Human thinking is constantly searching and connected to the previous mark, which gives a huge imagination for people and make people think more quickly. Interest is towards to an implicit discovery.
  3.2 Narrative design
  There is a great common place between interesting design and narrative design, both of them advocate sensibility and focus on the expressive function beyond functions. Most of the interesting designs are the results of narrative designs. In narrative design, the study of narration and story of design actually shows storytelling skills, and explores whether there are tricks to be found in the creative process. The use of narrative design can make interesting art works add charm. Besides, the performance of this approach is a way to refine the symbol, and focuses on symbolism of graphic symbols and expression of stories. Interesting expressions pay more attention on consumers taste perception of implicit meaning. The following are commonly used ways of narration in the interesting design.
  Game is usually based on the play. In public artistic design, the introduction of the game theory can be said to be guided by the narrative design. Telling the content of the game by the way of public artistic design can make people have fun, and enjoy the fun. It focuses on the purpose of some form, a particular order or unity, which will not hamper natural wild or animal instinct of every person. What’ more, Game instinct is to create order, or give the form to social interaction, without suppressing people's instinct of senses and motivation.   In numerous definitions, metaphor shown by that a kind of image is replaced by another image, is a rhetorical device which does not change the meaning. Mr. Lakoff, an American scholar, thought that the essence of metaphor is the kind of thing based on another thing to understand and experience. In semiotics, metaphor can include a referent can be as a referential significance. Broadly speaking, when people understand the metaphor, compared to than clear interpretation, a vague metaphor is necessary to be paid more interpreted efforts by us. However, these interpreted efforts may be a pleasant experience and let people enjoy fun performance. Bionic designs often use this technique.
  3.3 The interest of artisitc decorations
  Art Deco style is rich and varied, it makes ossified things become smart, full of life and emotion. In the industrial history, how many changes in decorative from, decorations eventually were sticked by themselves inherent advantages. Today, even in some new high-tech electronic products there also are some patterns in the style of the design. For example, a BenQ's laptop, uses traditional Chinese calligraphy as a decorative pattern in the surface to reflect the beauty of products with Chinese characteristics. Form this points, decoration is not equal to evil, as well as mistakes. The key is whether it is used appropriately. Good adornment can mask indifference of design, add emotional factors of public art design work, and enhance the artistic appeal of the design.
  3.4 Comparison and exaggeration
  Comparison by enhancing differences in public art design works makes some of the key elements attract more people’s attention. In another words, it widens the gap among the visual elements. By contrast of material, color, shape or density, reality and virtual, comparison can attract people's attention and make people generate interest. Exaggeration means daring to highlight certain characteristics, making it more attractive, strengthening or twisting something to pursuit some efforts. As usual, exaggeration is against to norm in order to achieve the effect of humor. The aim of comparison and exaggeration is to create a novel effect, which attracts people's interests.
  4 The significance of interest in public artistic design
  Interest is one of the important ways to attract people’s attention, and also is an important factor which could be easily accepted and form a long-term memory in art works. Besides, it particularly reflected in works of public artistic design, and bright color is an expressive formation of interesting design. Colors of works of public artistic design in many cities are mostly used with high purity and monochrome series, by the vibrant contrast, it brings fun and lively color effect to modern life of monotonous tension. Besides, modeling is also looked as a interesting factor. Interesting public artistic design, regardless of its treatment of form, clever in structure or diversity of colors, should be located in creative works that are in line with their own functions. Furthermore, Interesting ideas of public artistic design with extremely simple, modern design language and clearly modeling forms the make the people great relaxation in city life. Interesting design is an essential part of modern public art design. In the fast-paced modern life, we should come back to review our own insufficiency, understand people's life habits from many terms, and to explore the power and possibility of the future development. Interesting and individual public artistic design is more and more popular, because these works not only achieved its role as a certain urban construction, but also brought emotional care in people's lives, and make people get pleasant mood in intense life.
  [1]Wang He, public artistic design, TianJin University Press, 2013.
  [2] Ma Xinzhong, The system of public art design and the shaping of city image, Shanghai Academia Press,2010.11.01.
  [3]Zhong Weiguoji, Fun Space Design, Machinery Industry Press, 2013.07.01.
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