梦想是什么? 词典上将其解释为“对未来事物的美好想象或希望”“对某事物臻于完美境界的观念”。 曾几何时,这个美好字眼令年少轻狂的你我为之心摇神曳。不经意间,随着年龄的增长和生活的现实化、世俗化,我们迷失在物欲横流、人心浮躁的年代,迷失在为了生存而随波逐流、庸庸碌碌中。蓦然回首,曾经的梦想依然悬挂在各自成长的夜空,说不清是怀念还是感伤。 其实,梦想是一种追求,一种精神。如同天上的星斗,可能永远无法企及,但却可以为我们指引航程,使我们的生命有一个方向,一个有价值的坐标。 今天,我们重拾这个话题,只因为身边仍有一些人在为这个早已淡出我们日常生活的字眼而激动、苦恼、坚忍、奔忙,为了内心深处不灭的火苗,竭尽全力地燃烧……
What is a dream? The dictionary interprets it as “a good imagination or hope for the future things ” “the idea of reaching a perfect state for something ”. Once upon a time, this beautiful words so young and frivolous you and my heart swaying. Inadvertently, as we grow older and the realities of life are being secularized, we are lost in materialistic and impetuous periods, lost in drift and mediocrity in order to survive. I glanced back, once the dream is still hanging in the sky of their growth, can not tell is missing or sentimental. In fact, the dream is a pursuit, a kind of spirit. As the stars in the sky may never reach, but it will guide us to the voyage and give our lives one direction and one valuable coordinate. Today, we are back to this topic just because there are still some people around who are excited, distressed, persecuted and brisk for this word that has faded out of our daily lives and tried their best to burn for the sake of the eternal flame of our hearts.