
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cc51wang
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Given the known sensorimotor deficits and asymmetric weight- bearing posture in stroke, the aim of this study was to determine whether stroke affects the modulation of standing postural reflexes with varying weight- bearing load. Ten individuals with chronic stroke and 10 healthy older adult controls were exposed to unexpected forward and backward platform translations while standing. Three different stance conditions were imposed: increased weight- bearing load, decreased weight- bearing load, and self- selected stance. Surface electromyography from bilateral ankle dorsiflexors (tibialis anterior) and extensors (gastrocnemius) were recorded and the magnitude of background muscle activity (prior to the platform translation) and postural reflex onset latency and magnitude (75 ms following reflex onset) were determined. Load modulation of ankle extensors was found in controls and individuals with stroke. Although controls demonstrated modulation of ankle dorsiflexors to different loads, individuals with stroke did not show this modulation. Further, load did not change the onset latency of postural reflexes of the individuals with stroke. The delayed paretic muscle onset latencies in conjunction with impaired modulation of ankle dorsiflexor postural reflexes may contribute to the instability and frequent falls observed among individuals with stroke. The results provide some insight into standing postural reflexes following stroke. Given the known sensorimotor deficits and asymmetric weight-bearing posture in stroke, the aim of this study was to determine whether stroke affects the modulation of standing postural reflexes with varying weight-bearing load. Ten individuals with chronic stroke and 10 healthy adult adult controls were exposed to unexpected forward and backward platform translations while standing. increased weight-bearing load, decreased weight-bearing load, and self- selected stance. Surface electromyography from bilateral ankle dorsiflexors (tibialis anterior) and extensors (gastrocnemius ) were recorded and the magnitude of background muscle activity (prior to the platform translation) and postural reflex onset latency and magnitude (75 ms following reflex onset) were determined. Load modulation of ankle extensors was found in controls and individuals with stroke. demonstrated modulation of ankle dorsiflexors to different loads, Further, load did not change the onset latency of postural reflexes of the individuals with stroke. The delayed paretic muscle onset latencies in conjunction with impaired modulation of ankle dorsiflexor postural reflexes may contribute to the instability and frequent fall observed among individuals with stroke. The results provide some insight into standing postural reflexes following stroke.
鸭子跳进小河,  去洗澡;  松鼠躲进洞里,  睡午觉;  荷叶站在水中,  还举着绿伞;  蘑菇蹲在树影下,  也不肯摘掉草帽……  只有小野花们,  还在太阳下面说说笑笑,  举着一枚枚彩色的钱币,  在叫:  谁卖给我  一支雪糕……  (选自《诗刊》)
我国各地都在推广良种,特别是目前已有91.2%的农户加入了农业生产合作社,并已有61.9%的农户转入了高级社,社内的种子大多是集中管理统一播种的,一批种子的好坏动 At presen
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目的 :探讨含奥美拉唑的短程三联疗法对Hp阳性的十二指肠溃疡的疗效 ,以及对十二指肠溃疡复发的影响。方法 :12 8例Hp阳性的十二指肠溃疡病人随机分成三组 ,A组口服奥美拉唑