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八年了,我总是站在讲台上,为我的学生一遍又一遍地讲述这个故事。现在,我想将这个故事讲给更多的人听——每年的年关,我们一家三口都要冒着风寒回到远在百里之外的故乡过年,一为探慰年迈的双亲,二来也可逃离城市的喧嚣,尽情呼吸山野的明净空气。下车出县城,尚有十多里山路。半道上,疲惫不堪的我们想找个地方歇歇脚、讨口水。于是,我们踅进路边山脚下的一间正升起炊烟的茅屋。茅屋小得就象是守林人临时搭建的草棚,但拾掇得十分利落。屋前的晒坪亮光光的没有一根杂草。房门边上圈了一方小小的火坑,坑内煨着一只黑乎乎的瓦罐,一个头上缠着黑布巾的老人弯着腰,扑哧扑哧地向火坑中的 For eight years, I always stand on the podium, for my students to tell this story over and over again. Now, I would like to tell this story to more people - every year of the New Year, all three of us are going to take the cold back to the hometown as far afield as Barry, a gestation for elderly parents, and secondly You can also escape the hustle and bustle of the city and breathe the clear air of the mountains. Get off the county, there are still more than 10 Lixin Road. Halfway, exhausted we want to find a place to rest, to saliva. So, we hurried into a smoking cottage at the foot of the roadside hill. The hut is as small as a temporary shelter by a ranger, but the pick-up is very neat. There was not a single weed in the shining ground in front of the house. There was a little fire pit on the side of the door, a dark jar was simmering in the pit, and an old man with a black towel wrapped around his head bent over his waist and puffed into the fire pit
英国的春天刚刚到来的时候,一只好奇的小狗在草地里挖出了一只冬眠的榛睡鼠。这只可怜的榛睡鼠在自己的洞穴里睡得正香,突然被吵 When the spring of England arrived, a cu
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凡事必有其客观规律,地理课学习亦如此,把握好“导学与自学”、“硬背与理解”、“听懂与学会”三对关系,必定是学好这门课程中应该把握的规律。 Everything must have its
数学课上,龙老师说:“大家一定记得‘司马光砸缸’的故事吧!一个小朋友掉进大水缸里以后,其他小朋友想到的是‘让人离开水’,当无法把落水小孩捞起来时便惊慌失措。司马光想到的是‘让水离开人’,在紧要关头把缸砸破让水流出,救了那个小朋友。这个故事给我们在数学学习上的启示是:当一个问题按照常规思路无法解决时,就要转换思考问题的角度,从问题的反面、侧面等去思考,从而迅速找到巧妙的解法。”  “比如,李师傅原来
This paper presents a simplified beam design method for semi-rigid composite frames with vertical loading at the serviceability limit state. Equations were deve
A老鹰和黄鹂老鹰被人捉住,关进笼(long)子。它从此萎靡(wei mi)不振。黄鹂也被人捉住,关进笼子,它一如既往,唱着动听的歌。 A Eagle and the Oriole Eagle were caught, loc