Microcomputer is a new generation of computer that appears in the early seventies and is made up of a large-scale integrated circuit and a microprocessor as the core. In 1971 the United States Intel company first developed a single 4-bit microprocessor 4004, using PMOS semiconductor technology. It is based on the desktop computer developed single-chip central processing unit, with the right amount of memory, external devices and the necessary control circuit to form a simple computing system, without interruption, mainly for decimal serial computing and Simple data processing is basically still a programmable advanced counter. Soon, Intel Corporation also developed an 8-bit monolithic microprocessor 8008, which has a complete command system, interrupt system, central processing unit, as a separate computer system central processing unit, has a principle difference with the calculator , Instruction execution time of about 20 microseconds, which is the first generation of microprocessor products.