派力奥、polo 开卖,优利欧、杰士达现身,矛头直指夏利2000、赛欧、富康、奇瑞。中档轿车市场,个个身怀绝技,家家都有秘笈,刀光剑影中,谁能笑傲江湖?2002年春——优利欧:“大刀”向中档轿车砍去2002年3月30日上午9时许,宁波北仑。吉利汽车公司数万平方米的总装车间内,一台新款三厢轿车被来自全国的100余家主流媒体记者摄入镜头——吉利的“秘密武器”优利欧正式下线了。这是一个激动人心的时刻。9时30分,当吉利汽车公司董事长李书福一走进会场,
Palio, polo on sale, gifted Leo, Jie Shida appeared, targeting spear Xiali 2000, Sail, Beverly, Chery. Mid-range car market, all with great skills, every family has secrets, swords, who can be proud of the rivers and lakes? Spring 2002 - Euler: “bold” cut to the mid-range sedan March 30, 2002 morning 9 o’clock, Ningbo Beilun. Geely Automobile tens of thousands of square meters in the assembly plant, a new sedan was taken from the country’s more than 100 mainstream media reporters - Geely’s “secret weapon” Youlou officially offline. This is an exciting time. 9:30, when Geely Automobile Chairman Li Shufu entered the venue,