今天世界上最高的摩天大楼在哪里? 若是在十年前回答这个问题,正确答案是美国芝加哥。当时,世界上十座最高的摩天大楼全都在美国,而芝加哥的那座是世界之最,达到443.2米的高度。到今天,美国可列入世界最高楼宇的只剩三座,即芝加哥443米高的塔楼,纽约市417米高的世界贸易中心和381米高的帝国大厦,而其他几座世界之最高摩天大楼都在东南亚国家。 近年马来西亚首都吉隆坡建成的彼得罗纳斯塔楼高449.9米,比芝加哥的摩天楼整整高出6.7米。因此对上述问题的正确答案.应当是芝加哥已让位于吉隆坡。 本文将对吉隆坡这座世界最高摩天楼的设计和建筑材料作个简单的介绍。
Where is the tallest skyscraper in the world today? If you answer this question ten years ago, the correct answer is Chicago, United States. At that time, the world’s ten tallest skyscrapers were all in the United States, and Chicago’s was the highest in the world, reaching a height of 443.2 meters. Today, the United States can list only three of the world’s tallest buildings: the 443-meter-high tower in Chicago, the World Trade Center 417-meter high in New York City, and the 381-meter-high Empire State Building, and the tallest skyscraper in the world. All are in Southeast Asian countries. The Petronas Tower, built in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, has a height of 449.9 meters and is 6.7 meters higher than the Chicago skyscraper. So the correct answer to the above question. It should be that Chicago has given way to Kuala Lumpur. This article will provide a brief introduction to the design and construction materials of Kuala Lumpur, the world’s tallest skyscraper.