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  When 24-year-old Hannah Brencher moved to New York after college, she was hit by depression and overwhelming loneliness. One day she felt so alone, she wanted to reach out to someone. And so she put pen to paper and started writing letters. Letters to complete strangers.
  But these weren’t sad letters about how she was feeling. They were happy letters, all about the other person, not her. She would write messages for people to have a “bright day” and tell strangers how brilliant they were, even if they thought no one else had noticed. Brencher began dropping the notes all over New York, in cafes, in library books, in parks and on the subway. It made her feel better, knowing that she might be making somebody’s day through just a few short, sweet words. It gave her something to focus on. And so, The World Needs More Love Letters was born.
  The World Needs More Love Letters is all about writing letters—not emails, but proper, handwritten letters. Not 1)conventional love letters, written to a real beloved, but surprise letters for strangers. They don’t necessarily say “I love you”, but they are full of kindness—telling people they are remarkable and special and 2)allround amazing.
  Brencher’s 3)initiative has now exploded. She has personally written hundreds, if not thousands of letters. Last year, she did a 4)TED talk. In it, she talks about a woman whose husband, a soldier, comes back from Afghanistan and they struggle to reconnect—“So she tucks love letters throughout the house as a way to say: ‘Come back to me. Find me when you can’”—and a university student who slips letters around her campus, only to suddenly find everyone is writing them and there are love letters hanging from the trees.
  Now there are more than 10,000 people joining in all over the world. Sometimes, they write letters to order, to people who are lonely and down and just want someone to tell them that everything will be OK. Mostly, though, they scribble notes and leave them somewhere unlikely, for somebody to find.
  It’s a very cute idea. So I decide to give it a try and see if I might do the same for someone else.

  By the time I sit down to write my letters, I feel stupidly self-conscious and also, I don’t want to make a spelling mistake, cross it out and ruin the whole thing. I browse Brencher’s website for inspiration. But everything I start to say sounds, well…cheesy. And stupid. “Hey! You! Yes, you!” Nope.   I try again, and this time bumble my way through a few 5)platitudes.“In a city like London where people go out of their way not to smile or even catch your eye, I just felt like saying hello.”I end it with a sort of *waves*(though no smiley face) and tell them I hope they had a good day and that even if they had a 6)crappy day, that this random note might have made them feel better.
  My next letter is basically the same, except I address it to “the stranger sitting on the tube”. By letter number three, I figure less is more so simply say: “YOU ARE WAY BETTER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE.” Which, let’s face it, we’d all love to hear someone say. I mark the envelope:“Something to cheer you up if you’re having a bad day.” I like that one. I think I 7)nailed it.

  The next part is the letter-drop: where to leave them? I slip one in the sofa in the cafe that I’m in, poking out 8)conspicuously between the cushions so the next person notices, and drop the other one oh-so-casually on the tube, as if it wasn’t me that left it on that seat at all. On my way home I notice a nice-looking bike with a basket, so I drop the last note in there.
  It’s kind of exciting, oddly 9)exhilarating and butterfly-inducing, leaving these notes behind and wondering if the person who finds one will smile or screw it straight up. I’d like to think that they would appreciate the gesture, although I can equally understand why they might think I am a 10)lunatic. But I guess, as Brencher’s experiment shows, it’s really not that much weirder to take the time to write a random letter for someone with the aim of making their day that wee bit brighter than it is to, say, Tweet a whole bunch of people you’ll never meet or never really know.
  When I get home, I realise I’ve got one card and one envelope left. So I scrawl a lil’ something for my husband and leave it under his pillow. Way better than sending a text.
  “世界需要更多情书”全都与写信有关——不是电邮,而是实实在在的手写信。不是传统意义上写给倾慕之人的情书,而是写给陌生人的意外信件。信中不一定说到 “我爱你”,但却满是友善的字句——告诉人们,他们非凡脱俗、与众不同、多才多艺。
  如今,布兰切尔的初衷已经得以扩散。她自己曾写过的信,就算没有几千封,也有好几百封了。去年,她在TED大会上做了一次演讲。演讲中,她提到一名女子的故事。这名女子的丈夫是一名士兵,刚从阿富汗归来,两人正苦于不知如何重新与对方交流——“所以她就把情书塞到屋子的各个角落,以这种方式,向对方说‘回到我身边吧。你准备好了,就来找我吧。’”——还有一个女孩的故事。她爱把情书塞在大学校园的各个角落,有一天,她突然发现所有人都在写着这样的情书,甚至连树上也挂满了情书。   现在,全世界已有超过一万人加入到这个活动中。有时候,他们会应要求而写信,写给那些孤独、情绪低落的人,写给那些希望有人能告诉他们一切都会好起来的人。不过,多数情况下,他们写下便笺,放在某处不显眼的角落,让别人去发现。

由英国作家J·K·罗琳创作的《哈利·波特》系列小说,自1997年出版起,畅销全球,成为伴随很多人成长的必读书。而由其改编的《哈利·波特》系列电影也成为全球史上最卖座的电影系列,不但捧红了片中的几位童星,也让这一魔幻故事更加深入人心。  大家也许还记得,在《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》的结局一幕里,哈利与妻子金妮和赫敏、罗恩一起在九又四分之三站台目送了他们的儿女前往霍格沃茨。但不论是书中还是电影里,罗琳都
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