近年来涌现的有关集合的新定义运算题,具有阅读性、探究性、拓展性、创新性等特点,这类问题的解决,对于培养学生的数学问题信息的提取、处理能力,培养创新精神,拓展数学视野,都很有帮助.下面选取一些相关的问题,作分析探讨.例1对于集合A,B,我们把集合{x|x∈A,且x B}叫做集合A,B
The newly defined calculation problems related to collections in recent years are readability, exploratory, expansive, innovative, etc. The solution to these problems is to train students’ mathematical problem information extraction and processing capabilities and cultivate innovative spirit. Expanding the horizon of mathematics is very helpful. Here are some relevant questions to analyze and discuss. Example 1 For the set A, B, we call the set {x|x ∈ A, and x B} set A, B