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云南从去年入秋以来、贵州从去年7月以来,都遭遇百年不遇的特大干旱。截至2月底,特大旱灾已造成云南省600余万人、359万头大牲畜饮水困难,3148万亩农作物、4305万亩林地受灾,其中957万亩农作物绝收,农业直接经济损失达百亿元;截至3月10日,贵州省88个县市区中有86个受旱,因旱近500万人、200余万头大牲畜发生临时性饮水困难,农作物受旱面积达1304万亩……面对灾情,云南省军区、贵州省军区党委在成都军区党委的统一部署、指挥下,组织动员官兵、民兵预备役人员深入田间地头,连续奋战在抗旱救灾第一线,做到不让一村断饮水、不让一人无水喝。20余万救灾大军尽最大努力将灾害损失降到最低,在大旱之年用颗颗汗珠为云、贵两地的受灾群众带来了“润民甘霖”。 Since the autumn of last year in Yunnan Province, Guizhou has experienced unprecedented severe drought since July last year. By the end of February, the special drought had caused more than 6 million people in Yunnan Province, 3.59 million large livestock drinking water, 31.48 million mu of crops and 34.05 million mu of forest land, of which 9.57 million mu of crops were absolutely unharvested and direct economic losses in agriculture reached 10 billion yuan. As of March 10, 86 of the 88 counties and cities in Guizhou Province have been affected by drought. Due to the drought, nearly 5 million people and over 2 million heads of livestock have had temporary difficulties in drinking water. The area affected by drought has reached 13.04 million mu In response to the disaster, under the unified arrangements and command of the Chengdu Military Region Party Committee, the Yunnan Military Region and Guizhou Military Region Party committees organized and mobilized officers and soldiers and militia reservists to go deep into the fields and work continuously in the front line of drought relief so as to prevent the village from drinking water , Do not let a person drink without water. More than 200,000 relief troops make every effort to minimize disasters and bring “Sweating and Ganshen” to the afflicted people in both places during the drought.
李约瑟和冯友兰都是学贯中西的大家,又是好友。此二人关于《中国哲学史》的“对话”,庶几有助于当前的冯友兰研究和李约瑟研究,故将此书评介绍于此。 Joseph Needham and Fe
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