【摘 要】
The “big boy” who jumped into the “Drunken Drum” wore the same drums, drunk ... the final, nervous, nervous people hold their breath ... .... Small turn, small turn, La Lati ..., the theater sounded applause, people suddenly attracted. Drunken obscene drummer entertained the hobby, almost obsessed with the drum, this situation through skillful technical skills and physical display, to convey to the audience, infected with the concept of ...
京绣,一门古老的中国传统刺绣工艺,古称“宫绣”,顾名思义,过去服务于皇家,主要用来制作宫廷服饰和装饰陈设品。京绣兼收并蓄、博采众长,融合了苏绣、湘绣、粤绣等技巧方法。京绣文化底蕴深厚,选材用料考究,技术技艺纯熟,逐渐形成了不同于其他绣种的京味特色。京绣跨越千年,在当代依然焕发着动人光彩。 近日,本刊记者采访了北京市海淀区非物质文化遗产京绣代表性传承人、北京市工艺美术大师于静,在于静工作室看到了正
<正> 祖国医学对于骨折病人的药物治疗方面,有主张以内服为主者,有主张以内服,外敷同时并进者,后者尤为普遍,至于单純以外敷药物为主者,則頗为少见。我科在院党委的正确领导
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