上海市物价局、物资局联合发文决定,自今年1月1日起,凡在上海市经营计划外机电产品的单位,销售价格统一由市机电设备供应公司归口管理。 上海市有数以千家各类机电产品社会经营网点。近年来,由于过分强调了市场调节作用,价格由国家定价转向生产厂定价,机电产品的销售价格出现了混乱,主要表现为:低劣产品以次充好,质次价高,“零套零”,“费上加费”,哄抬价格等,严重破坏了经济秩序,不仅不利于公开竞争,而且国家应得的收入也得不到保证,已到了必须下决心治理整顿的时候。
The Shanghai Municipal Price Bureau and the Bureau of Materials and Materials jointly issued a document stating that from January 1 this year onwards, all units selling mechanical and electrical products outside the planned business in Shanghai will be managed under the centralized management of the municipal electromechanical equipment supply company. There are thousands of all kinds of social and mechanical products in Shanghai. In recent years, due to overemphasis on the role of market regulation, prices have shifted from national pricing to production plant pricing, and the sales prices of mechanical and electrical products have been confusing. The main manifestations are: shoddy products shoddy, high quality substandard prices, and “zero set zero”. The “increasing fees” and driving up prices have seriously damaged the economic order. This is not only detrimental to open competition, but also the state’s deserving income has not been guaranteed. It is time that we must resolve to rectify and rectify.