《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》(简称《清洁生产促进法》)已于今年 1月 1日起正式施行。这标志着我国环境战略由“末端治理”向全程控制转变 ,并为促进经济、社会可持续发展奠定了法律基础。积极落实国家现有对企业实施清洁生产的鼓励政策 ,要加大以清洁生产为主要内容的调
The “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Cleaner Production Promotion” (“Cleaner Production Promotion Law”) came into effect on January 1 this year. This signifies that our environmental strategy has been transformed from “end-of-life management” to full control and laid the legal foundation for the promotion of sustainable economic and social development. Actively implement the existing national incentives for enterprises to implement cleaner production, to increase the clean production as the main content of the tune